diplomsko delo
Živa Perš (Author), Alojzija Židan (Mentor)


Komunikacija je širok pojem in pomembna življenjska dejavnost, zato je ne smemo razumeti le kot izražanje lastnih misli in občutkov, ampak kot dvostranski proces, ki vključuje tudi sprejemanje in odzivanje na sporočila drugih. Komunikacija (bodisi verbalna ali neverbalna) je tako dejavnost, kateri se skoraj ni možno izogniti. Omogoča in olajša nam sobivanje z drugimi, zato je ključnega pomena, da jo vsak posameznik razvije že v zgodnjem obdobju življenja. Tu nastopi družina, ki je primarni dejavnik pri socializaciji otroka. Družina otroku s komuniciranjem privzgoji oziroma oblikuje prvotne vrednote in pravila ter mu postane vzor, zato so tudi njegove poznejše komunikacijske značilnosti rezultat komunikacije, kakršne je bil deležen v otroštvu. Vsaka družina izoblikuje svoj vzorec komunikacije, ki pomembno vpliva tudi na vzgojo otroka, zato je bil cilj mojega diplomskega dela raziskati in ugotoviti ali se starši zavedajo pomembnosti komunikacije z otrokom, kakšna je komunikacija med njimi ter kakšnega pomena je le-ta pri vzgoji otroka. Na podlagi tega so v teoretičnem delu predstavljeni osnovni pojmi, ki so ključni pri obravnavanju izbrane teme, v empiričnem delu pa bodo predstavljeni odgovori, ki sem jih pridobila s pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave.


Družina;Komunikacije;Vzgoja;Starši;Otroci;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [Ž. Perš]
UDC: 316.77:316.36(043.2)
COBISS: 36378717 Link will open in a new window
Views: 862
Downloads: 250
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The importance and the influence of family communication in child education
Secondary abstract: Communication is a wide concept and an important life activity, so it should not be understood only as the expression of our own thoughts and feelings, but as two-way process, which also includes receiving and responding to the messages of others. Communication (either verbal or non-verbal) is an activity which can hardly be avoided. It enables and facilitates coexistence with others, therefore it is crucial that every individual develops it at an early stage of life. This is where the family comes in, which is the primary factor at the child socialization. With communication family shapes child’s first values and rules and also becomes his example, which is why his later communication features are the result of the communication he received in the childhood. Each and every family forms its own pattern of communication, which also has a significant influence on raising a child, therefore the aim of my diploma assignment is to research and determine whether the parents are aware of the importance of communication with the child, the communication between them and the importance of communication in raising a child. On this basis, the theoretical part presents the basic concepts that are crucial for the selected topic, and the empirical part presents the answers that I obtained through qualitative research.
Secondary keywords: Family;Communications;Upbringing;Parents;Children;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 59 str.
ID: 11205763