diplomsko delo
Katra Grošelj (Author), Maruša Pušnik (Mentor)


Z razvojem interneta, predvsem sodobnih družbenih omrežij, se je družba danes prevesila v družbo vseprisotne vidnosti in nadzora. Algoritmi, ki poganjajo družbena omrežja, shranjujejo vse informacije in dogajanje, zato mnogo avtorjev današnjo moderno družbo primerja z Benthamovim panoptikom, kjer je opazovati in biti opazovan poglavitno. Cilji te diplomske naloge so ugotoviti, kako mladi dojemajo vseprisotno vidnost in nadzorovanje, tako vertikalno kot horizontalno, na družbenih omrežjih Facebook in Instagram. Ključne ugotovitve mojega dela sem predstavila s pomočjo teoretskih izhodišč, ki zajemajo koncepte panoptika, nadzorovanja, zasebnosti, samoreprezentacije in mediatizacije ter s pomočjo poglobljenih intervjujev, izvedenih med mladimi starimi med 18 in 23 let. Mladi Facebook in Instagram uporabljajo predvsem za ohranjanje stikov s prijatelji ter za opazovanje zanimivih ljudi, česar ne smatrajo kot nadzor nad drugimi. Vidnosti in nadzorovanja se zavedajo, vendar niso nagnjeni k prekomernemu izpostavljanju in so zato nezanimivi za potencialni nadzor.


panoptizem;nadzorovanje;samoreprezentacija;mediatizacija;Mladina;Komuniciranje;Družbena omrežja;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [K. Grošelj]
UDC: 316.472.4:316.77(043.2)
COBISS: 36399197 Link will open in a new window
Views: 724
Downloads: 148
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Modern panoptism among young people on social networks
Secondary abstract: With the development of internet, especially modern social network sites, society today became a society of ubiquitous visibility and surveillance. The algorithms that drive social network sites save all the information and happenings, which is why many authors compare today’s modern society to Bentham’s concept of panopticon, where observing and being observed is crucial. The goals of this paper are to find out how the young people of today percieve ubiquitous visibility and surveillance, both vertical and horizontal, on Facebook and Instagram. The key findings of my work are presented with the help of theoretical starting points, which include concepts of panopticon, surveillance, privacy, self-representation and mediatization and with the help of deepened interviews carried out between young people aged 18 to 23 years old. Young people use Facebook and Instagram to stay in touch with their friends and to observe interesting people, which they do not see as surveillance over others. They are aware of the visibility and surveillance, but they are not inclined to excessive exposure and are therefore not interesting enough for surveillance.
Secondary keywords: Youth;Communication;Social networks;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 84 str.
ID: 11206811
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