magistrsko delo


Magistrsko delo obravnava odgovornost javnih uslužbencev za kršitev obveznosti iz delovnega razmerja. Obveznosti iz delovnega razmerja javnih uslužbencev so urejene v pogodbah o zaposlitvi, kolektivnih pogodbah na ravni dejavnosti in področni zakonodaji. Odgovornost javnih uslužbencev za neizpolnjevanje ali nepravilno izpolnjevanje obveznosti ter v primerih nedopustnega ravnanja, škodljivega ali celo takšnega ravnanja, ki ima znake kaznivega dejanja, je lahko disciplinska, odškodninska ali kazenska. Javni uslužbenci so zaradi posebne narave njihovega dela vezani k večji odgovornosti, skrbi za javno dobro in spoštovanju skupnih načel, določenih v Zakonu o javnih uslužbencih. Pri raziskavi in vsebini magistrskega dela so bile uporabljene različne raziskovalne metode, in sicer metoda družbenega raziskovanja, metoda zbiranja informacij in metoda kompilacije, zgodovinska metoda, tudi metoda deskriptivne statistike in splošne analize. V delu prevladuje deduktivni pristop. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da nepopolna oziroma nedokončana zakonska urejenost obravnavanega področja in zadržanost pri ureditvi in uporabi možnosti, postopkov in ukrepov v primeru pojava nedopustnega ravnanja pri delu ali v zvezi z delom in kršitev obveznosti iz delovnega razmerja v praksi nista tako močna dejavnika, da bi bistveno vplivala na kakovost dela javne uprave. Ne vplivata pa niti na vzvode in ukrepe v primeru vprašanj disciplinske, odškodninske ali kazenske odgovornosti. Namen raziskave je pripraviti celovit pregled odgovornosti javnih uslužbencev za kršitev obveznosti iz delovnega razmerja, s predstavljenimi vsemi instituti, ki se navezujejo na to področje, in prikazom stanja obravnavanega področja v praksi. Ugotovitve raziskave je mogoče uporabiti za vsa nadaljnja raziskovalna dela in tudi kot vir informacij oziroma nekakšen priročnik za zaposlene v javni upravi.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [M. Ukmar]
UDC: 35.08:349.22(043.2)
COBISS: 2053349814 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Master's thesis deals with the responsibility of civil servants for breach of obligations from an employment relationship. The obligations arising from the employment of civil servants are regulated by employment contracts, collective agreements at the level of activities and sectoral legislation. The responsibility of civil servants for the non-compliance or incorrect fulfillment of these obligations, and in cases of unlawful conduct, harmful conduct or even conduct, which has the character of a criminal offense, can be disciplinary, liability for damages or criminal liability. Due to the special nature of their work, public servants are bound to a greater responsibility, care for the public good and respect of the common principles set out in the Civil Servants Act. Various research methods, a method of social research, a method of information collection and compilation method, a historical method, as well as a method of descriptive statistics and general analysis were used in the research and the content of the master's thesis. The work mainly applies a deductive approach. The thesis suggests that the incomplete or unfinished legal regulation in this field and the restraint in the regulation and use of options, procedures and measures in the event of the occurrence of inadmissible conduct at work or in connection with work, as well as breach of obligations arising from an employment relationship, in practice are not such powerful factors that significantly influence the quality of the work of the public administration. Moreover, these two factors do not significantly influence procedures and actions in the event of a disciplinary responsibility, liability for damages or criminal liability. The purpose of the research is to prepare a comprehensive overview of the responsibility of civil servants for violating obligations arising from an employment relationship with all the institutes that are related to this field and present the state of the field in question. The findings of the research can be used as a source of information for all further research or as a manual for employees in public administration.
Secondary keywords: Javni uslužbenci;Magistrske naloge;Delovna razmerja;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 16. 08. 2019;
Pages: 109 str.
ID: 11207987