magistrsko delo
Sanja Stojnšek (Author), Dragica Haramija (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno življenje in delo pisateljice Janje Vidmar. Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati pripovedne vzorce, ki se pojavljajo v izbranih mladinskih romanih: Princeska z napako (1998), Debeluška (1999), Baraba (2001), V imenu ljubezni (2003), Vsiljivka (2004), Fantje iz gline (2005), Nimaš pojma (2005), Zoo (2005), Uspavanka za mladega očka (2006), Softibluz (2006), Angie (2007), Pink (2008), Pleme (2009), Šuterji (2009), Brez (2011), Elvis Škorc, genialni štor (2018) in Črna vrana (2018).V prvem delu so predstavljene značilnosti socialno-psihološkega mladinskega romana in njegov razvoj na Slovenskem. Na kratko je predstavljen tudi termin problemski roman, ki velja za priložnostni izraz in pri samem preučevanju izbranih romanov ni bil uporabljen. V osrednjem delu je bila narejena analiza notranje in zunanje zgradbe. Kriteriji, ki so se upoštevali pri izboru del Janje Vidmar, so bili sledeči: delo spada med mladinsko prozo oz. natančneje v sklop socialno-psiholoških mladinskih romanov, v katerih se pojavljajo različni pripovedni vzorci, ki so predstavljeni skozi motivno-tematske značilnosti in skozi glavne literarne like, ki so postavljeni v zapletene okoliščine in so mnogokrat v konfliktu z okolico. Nadalje smo naredili medsebojno primerjavo sedemnajst del, kjer smo ugotovili, da je romanom skupno to, da jih povezujejo teme, ki še danes veljajo za tabuizirane. Ob koncu je podana tudi jezikovna analiza izbranih romanov. V sklepu so podane značilnosti posameznih motivov, tem, oseb ter čas in prostor dogajanja, hkrati so na podlagi analize podani odgovori na raziskovalna vprašanja.


magistrska dela;Janja Vidmar;mladinski roman;socialno-psihološki mladinski roman;pripovedni vzorci;tabu teme;Vidmar;Janja;1962-;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Stojnšek Gobec]
UDC: 821.163.6-93.09Vidmar J.(043.2)
COBISS: 24885000 Link will open in a new window
Views: 843
Downloads: 129
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Narrative patterns in Janja Vidmar's socio-psychological novels
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis entitled Narrative patterns in social-psychological juvenile novels of Janja Vidmar presents the life and work of the writer Janja Vidmar. The purpose of the master's thesis has been to research the narrative patterns, which appear in the chosen juvenile novels: Princeska z napako/A Princess with a Mistake (1998), Debeluška/A Chubby (1999), Baraba/A Rascal (2001), V imenu ljubezni/In the Name of Love (2003), Vsiljivka/The Intruder (2004), Fantje iz gline/Boys from Clay (2005), Nimaš pojma/Clueless (2005), Zoo/A Zoo (2005), Uspavanka za mladega očka/A Lullaby for a Young Daddy (2006), Softibluz/Softyblues (2006), Angie/Angie (2007), Pink/Pink (2008), Pleme/A Tribe (2009), and Šuterji/Shooters (2009), Brez/Without (2011), Elvis Škorc, genialni štor/Elvis Škorc, a Genious Stump (2018) and Črna vrana/Black crow (2018). The first part presents characteristics of social-psychological juvenile novel and its development in Slovenia. The term problem novel, which has been shortly presents. It is the term used for the occasion and has not been used with the research of the chosen novels. There has been an analysis of the interior and exterior structure and language characteristics done. The criteria, which have been used for choosing the works of Janja Vidmar, have been as follows: the work has to be included in the juvenile prose (in more details, it has to belong to the group of social-psychological juvenile novels), where different narrative patterns appear, which are presented through motive-subject characteristics and through the main literal characters, who are put into complicated situations and many times, they are in conflict with the surrounding. We have also done a comparison of sixteen works and we have found out that the novels are connected in the topics, which are still taboos nowadays. The conclusion gives characteristics of the individual motives, subjects, persons, time and place of the happenings, at the same time, there are answers to the researched questions given.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Janja Vidmar;juvenile novel;social-psychological juvenile novel;narrative patterns;taboo subjects;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: VII, 163 str.
ID: 11209140