delo diplomskega projekta
Ana Korez (Author), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Mentor)


Z izrazom čustvena inteligenca označujemo inteligentno uporabo čustev in njihovo prilagajanje informacijam. Izraz ne pomeni, da oseba, ki je čustveno inteligentna, jasno kaže svoja čustva, saj je lahko tudi oseba, ki svojih čustev ne izraža tako nazorno (ali sploh), čustveno inteligentna. Čustveni in osebni razvoj človeka je posledica delovanja treh glavnih, prepletajočih se dejavnikov. Ti dejavniki so dednost, učenje in zunanji vplivi, ki v telesu povzročajo fizične ter kemične spremembe. Tako se nekaterih pomembnih čustvenih spoznanj otrok nauči od staršev, kljub temu pa starost pri čustveni inteligenci ni glavno merilo, saj je čustveno inteligenco mogoče dvigniti do največje mere pri kateri koli starosti. Management se pojavlja pri vsaki organizaciji, v podjetju pa določa osnovne smeri razvoja podjetja, njegove strateške cilje ter skrbi, da se na vseh ravneh delovanja izvajajo načrtovane naloge. Manager ima tako v podjetju ključno mesto, saj je odgovoren za njegovo vodenje in usmerjanje. Manager je pogosto odgovoren za to, kako uspešno bo podjetje. Pri svojem delu nosijo veliko odgovornosti, zato je pomembno, da so samozavestni, vplivni in hkrati razumevajoči do zaposlenih v podjetju. Dobro je, da so managerji inteligentni in da je njihovo razmišljanje racionalno, a z obvladovanjem čustvene inteligence lahko dosežejo večji uspeh in so s strani drugih označeni za bolj pristojne in sposobne. Najboljši managerji ne vodijo samo s svojo močjo ter avtoriteto, ampak na podlagi obvladovanja medsebojnih odnosov. Uglašeni vodje imajo potrebno znanje o sodelovanju in odnosih v podjetju in tako znajo pravilno presoditi, kdaj je podrejenim treba prisluhniti in kdaj ukazovati. Managerji se, generalno gledano, premalo zavedajo, kako pomembna je čustvena inteligenca za delo z ljudmi v organizaciji. Cilj naloge je preučiti in spoznati izraz čustvena inteligenca in ugotoviti, kako le-ta vpliva na delovanje podjetja. Ob proučitvi zadevne problematike smo ugotovili, da na učinkovitost na delovnem mestu ter na splošno poslovno uspešnost podjetja zelo pomembno vpliva tudi stopnja čustvene inteligence managerjev. Osebnost managerja, kot najpomembnejše osebe v podjetju, namreč pomembno vpliva na razvoj samega podjetja in njegovo delovanje. Ravno manager je namreč tisti, ki v podjetju sprejema ključne odločitve.


management;manager;čustvena inteligenca;čustva;vodenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Korez]
UDC: 159.942:005
COBISS: 13433116 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1190
Downloads: 267
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Emotional intelligence of managers
Secondary abstract: The term emotional intelligence refers to the intelligent use of emotions and their adaptation to information. The term does not mean that an emotionally intelligent person clearly shows his emotions, since a person who does not express his emotions so clearly (or at all), can also be emotionally intelligent. The emotional and personal development of a person is the result of the action of three major, intertwining factors. These factors are heredity, learning and external influences that cause physical and body chemical changes. Some important emotional cognition of children is overwhelmed by the parents, however, age is not a major criteria in emotional intelligence, since emotional intelligence can be raised to the greatest extent at any age. Management appears in every organization. In the company management determines the basic directions of development of the company, its strategic goals and ensures that the planned tasks are performed at all levels. The manager is a key player in the company; he is responsible for managing and directing the company. Manager is often responsible for the performance of the company, because he carries a lot of responsibility in his work, it is important that they are confident, influential and at the same time understand the employees in the company. It is good, that managers are intelligent and that their thinking is rational. By mastering emotional intelligence, they can achieve greater success and are by others labelled as more competent and capable. The best managers are driven not only by their power and authority, but by managing their relationships. Lead managers have the necessary knowledge of collaboration and relationships within the company and are able to correctly decide when employees need to be listened to and when he must to command them. Managers are generally too little aware how important is emotional intelligence for leading the company. The purpose of the thesis is to study and understand the concept of emotional intelligence and see how it affects the performance of the company. Examining this issue, we found that managers level of emotional intelligence is also very important for the effectiveness of the workplace and the overall business performance of the company. The personality of the manager, as the most important person in the company, has a significant impact on the development of the company itself. It is the manager who makes the key decisions in the company.
Secondary keywords: emotional intelligence;management;emotions;leadership;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 27 str.
ID: 11210364
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