diplomsko delo
Martina Plavec (Author), Boštjan Kežmah (Mentor)


V digitalnem svetu si ljudje ne moremo več predstavljati življenja brez uporabe IKT tako v zasebnem življenju kot tudi na delovnem mestu. Sodobne tehnologije nam namreč poenostavljajo osebno življenje, delo, delovne procese in tudi celotno poslovno organizacijo v podjetju. Digitalizacija podjetjem ponuja številne prednosti in priložnosti za uspešen prodor na domači in svetovni trg, vse te prednosti pa, v kolikor niso izkoriščene v pravem času, prinesejo številne posledice, med katerimi se hitro znajde tudi propad podjetja. Podjetje, ki želi obstati na trgu, mora torej svoje poslovanje preoblikovati in prirediti sodobnim potrebam. Takšen proces pa ni ravno enostaven. Vsaka implementacija nove rešitve namreč izhaja iz dobro pripravljenega načrta izvedbe, dejanske izvedbe, vrednotenja in konstantnega spremljanja, spreminjanja in posodabljanja. Smernice za uspešno delovanje vsakega podjetja v digitalnem svetu se nahajajo v dobrem razumevanju delovanja IKT, spremljanju trendov in učenju na podlagi primerov dobre oziroma slabe prakse. Diplomska naloga obravnava področje digitalne preobrazbe na primeru zavarovalnice. Predstavljen je proces digitalne preobrazbe z oceno njegovih pozitivnih učinkov. Analizirani so skupni stroški prenove, skupni letni prihranki in čas povrnitve vložka v digitalno preobrazbo. Predvidevamo namreč, da bo digitalna preobrazba zavarovalne hiše Y uspešna ter da se bodo na podlagi tega zmanjšali letni stroški in povečali letni prihranki podjetja.


digitalizacija;IKT;poslovni proces;zavarovalna hiša;poslovanje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [M. Plavec]
UDC: [005.922.52:004.932]:368.032.1(043.2)
COBISS: 22872598 Link will open in a new window
Views: 648
Downloads: 128
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Digital transformation in the case of an insurance company
Secondary abstract: In the digital world, we can no longer imagine life without the use of ICT, both in private and in the workplace. Modern technologies simplify our personal life, work, work processes and also the entire business organization in the company. Digitization offers many advantages and opportunities for companies to successfully penetrate the domestic and global markets, and all these advantages, if not exploited in the right time, bring many consequences, one of which is the rapid collapse of the company. A company that wants to be on the market must therefore transform its business and adapt to contemporary needs. But such a process is not easy. Each implementation of the new solution comes from a well-prepared implementation plan, actual implementation, evaluation and constant monitoring, modification and updating. The guidelines for the successful functioning of every business in the digital world are found in a good understanding of how ICT works, monitoring trends and learning from good or bad practice. The thesis deals with the field of digital transformation in the case of an insurance company. The digital transformation process is presented, with an assessment of its positive effects. The total cost of the renovation, the total annual savings and the time to pay back the contribution to the digital transformation are analysed. Namely, we anticipate that the digital transformation of insurance company Y will be successful, reducing annual costs and increasing the company's annual savings.
Secondary keywords: digitalization;ICT;business process;insurance company;business;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Informatika in tehnologije komuniciranja
Pages: V, 61 str.
ID: 11210980