diplomsko delo
Tjan Kapitler (Author), Borut Buchmeister (Mentor), Klavdij Logožar (Mentor), Boštjan Perc (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti celoten proces proizvodne verige ter njenih sestavnih delov. Hkrati sta podrobno prikazani A-B-C in X-Y-Z analizi, prva je uporabljena tudi na primeru elektronik iz podjetja Gorenje d. o. o. V nalogi so opisani načini naročanja gospodarnih količin, med drugim naročanje ob signalni zalogi, naročanje v fiksnih časovnih intervalih, naročanje glede na potrebe in naročanje ob upoštevanju količinskih popustov. Prav tako je opisana pomembnost dobavnih verig ter njihov vpliv na uspešnost podjetja. Ker podjetje Gorenje uporablja računalniško podporo SAP, sem na kratko predstavil tudi to. V praktičnem delu je prikazana ideja o optimizaciji zaloge elektronik ter problem hitre zastarelosti nekaterih vrst materiala.


optimizacija;nabava;oskrba;dobavna veriga;računalniška podpora;elektronika;zastarelost;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Kapitler]
UDC: 658.71:658.51(043.2)
COBISS: 23014678 Link will open in a new window
Views: 673
Downloads: 65
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Supply optimization for electronical components in company Gorenje d. o. o.
Secondary abstract: The aim of the following diploma work is to present the whole process of the production chain and its components. A-B-C and X-Y-Z analyzes are shown in detail, the first being also used in the case of electronics used in company Gorenje d. o. o. The diploma work describes ways of ordering economical quantities, including ordering at the signal stock, ordering at fixed time intervals, ordering according to the needs and ordering with quantity discounts. The importance of supply chains and their impact on the company performance are also described. Because company Gorenje uses IT support from SAP, I shortly described it too. The practical part shows the idea of optimizing the stock of electronics and the problem of rapid obsolescence of certain types of material.
Secondary keywords: optimization;purchase;supply;supply chain;IT support;electronic;obsolescence;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Pages: IX, 41 f.
ID: 11211488