delo diplomskega projekta


Zaključna naloga govori o socialnem podjetništvu. Za to temo smo se odločili, saj nam je bila nepoznana in smo želeli izvedeti več. V prvem delu smo razjasnili pojem podjetništvo in socialno podjetništvo. Nadaljevali smo z zastavljanjem ciljev glede diplomske naloge: seznanjenost glede socialnega podjetništva v Sloveniji in evropskih državah, začetki socialnega podjetništva v Sloveniji, torej zgodovino socialnega podjetništva. Analizirali smo prednosti in slabosti ter priložnosti in nevarnosti socialnega podjetništva. Pri analizi smo ugotovili, da ima socialno podjetništvo kar nekaj pregrad, ki jih ovirajo pri razvoju. V naslednjem poglavju smo se osredotočili na razlike v politiki na področju socialnega podjetništva v Evropski Uniji Osredotočili smo se na politiko na področju socialnega podjetništva v Sloveniji in povzeli zakonodajno strukturo med leti 2011-2018. V naslednjem poglavju smo se osredotočili na podporo, ki jo ima socialno podjetništvo v Sloveniji. Pri socialnem podjetništvu je na začetku možno dobiti razne finančne pomoči, ki pomagajo pri zagonu novega podjetja. Opravili smo analizo izbranega primera, ki se ukvarja s socialnim podjetništvom. Analizirali smo Združenje socialnega podjetništva Slovenije. Intervjuvali smo Mojco Žganec Metelko, ki opravlja delo generalne sekretarke na Združenju. Gospa je s konkretnimi odgovori odgovorila na vprašanja, ter pojasnila dogajanje v socialnem podjetništvu V združenju želijo pomagati svojim članom na področju izobraževanja, raznih seminarjev, oddajanje svojih prostorov za mreženje socialnih podjetnikov med seboj, želijo biti glas socialnega podjetništva na ravni države. Pritegnilo nas je to, da so začeli iz čistega začetka, bili so med prvimi, ki so začeli na tem področju. Skozi leta so se nadgrajevali in poskušali nove stvari. Kljub temu, da niso imeli nikakršne podpore so ostali motivirani in delovni.


podjetništvo;socialno podjetništvo;rast;Slovenija;Evropska unija;študije primerov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [I. Kek Horvat]
UDC: 334.72
COBISS: 13426972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 599
Downloads: 86
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Support for social entrepreneurship in Slovenia with the case study
Secondary abstract: Our final work is about social entrepreneurship. We decided about this topic, because we were very interested about entrepreneurship, but we didn't know a lot how social entrepreneurship works, because of that we decided on the topic. In the first part, we wanted to develop entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurshipIn our work, we also set goals for diploma, and those are to learn a lot about social entrepreneurship in Slovenia and in Europe. We also wanted to learn about history of social entrepreneurship in Slovenia and how it all started in the past. We wanted to know which are advantages and the disadvantages and masks and dangers, we made the analysis of social entrepreneurship. As we made analysis we realized that social entrepreneurship have a number of barriers that hampered their development. In the next section, we wanted to learn about the differences in social entrepreneurship policy in the European Union. We also described the policy about social entrepreneurship in Slovenia and summarized the legislative structure between 2011-2018. In the next section, we focused on the support that social entrepreneurship has in Slovenia. There are many tenders and subsidies that social enterprises can receive We analyzed a case dealing with social entrepreneurship. We analyzed the Social Entrepreneurship Association of Slovenia. we interviewed Ms. Mojca, and we found out a lot of new data that could not be found on the Internet. They want to help their members in the field of education, various seminars, they rent their spaces for networking social entrepreneurs with each other, they want to be the voice of social entrepreneurship at the state level. We were attracted to the fact that they started from scratch, they were the first in this, and they started building over the years and try new things. Despite their lack of support, they remained motivated and hardworking.
Secondary keywords: Entrepreneurship;social entrepreneurship;social entrepreneurs;Slovenia;European Union;growth;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 29 str.
ID: 11211943