diplomsko delo
Kaja Kranjec (Author), Janez Čebulj (Mentor)


V upravnem postopku lahko kot stranka nastopa vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba, na zahtevo katere se začne postopek ali zoper katero teče postopek, stranke pa so lahko tudi drugi (skupina oseb itd.), če so ti lahko nosilci pravic in obveznosti, o katerih se odloča v upravnem postopku. Stranka je poleg organa oziroma uradne osebe nujni udeleženec upravnega postopka. Organ kot nadrejeni subjekt razmerja na podlagi pravil upravnega postopka avtoritativno odloča o pravici, obveznosti ali pravni koristi stranke. Glavni namen upravnega postopka je zagotavljanje pravic in pravnih koristi posameznih strank do nadrejene institucije v upravnopravnem razmerju. Iz tega vidika je pomembno, da je vsaka stranka seznanjena s tem, kdaj ima možnost uveljavljati svoje pravice in obveznosti v upravnem postopku in kakšne so njene pravice na področju zastopanja. Stranka včasih ne more sama nastopati v postopku, ker nima procesne/poslovne sposobnosti ali stvarne legitimacije ali pa zgolj ne želi sama nastopati v postopku. V tem primeru stranka potrebuje zastopnika, ki v postopku deluje v njenem imenu. To so zakoniti zastopnik, začasni zastopnik, pooblaščenec in skupni predstavnik oziroma skupni pooblaščenec. V postopku pogosto sodeluje tudi stranski udeleženec, ki ima pravico udeleževati se postopka, če izkaže pravni interes. Namen diplomskega dela je analiza ustavnopravnega položaja in obstoječe zakonodaje in analiza obravnavanega področja. Jedro diplomskega dela obravnava stranke in njihovo zastopanje. Kot metodo raziskovanja v nalogi uporabljam teoretično deskriptivno metodo (opisno metodo) za pregled domače in tuje strokovne literature, metodo analize pri opredelitvi ustavnopravnega in zakonskega položaja stranke ter metodo sinteze pri oblikovanju sklepnih ugotovitev.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [K. Kranjec]
UDC: 342.9(043.2)
COBISS: 2053355702 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The party to an administrative proceeding can be any natural or legal person that has requested the initiation of the proceeding or against which the proceeding has been initiated; others (a group of persons, etc.) can also be parties to the proceeding if they are the holders of the rights and obligations that are the subject of the administrative proceeding. In addition to the body or officer, the party is an essential participant in the administrative proceeding. The body, as the parent entity in the relationship, authoritatively decides on the party's right, obligation or legal benefit in accordance with the rules of administrative proceedings. The main purpose of the administrative proceeding is to ensure the rights and legal benefits of individual parties to the parent institution in the administrative relationship. In this regard it is important that each party knows when it can assert its rights and obligations under the administrative proceeding, and what its rights are regarding representation. Sometimes, the party cannot appear at the hearing in person because it does not possess the procedural/legal capacity or material legitimacy, or simply does not wish to appear at the hearing in person. In that case, the party needs a representative that will act on its behalf during the proceeding, for example a statutory representative, a temporary representative, an authorised representative, a joint representative or a joint authorised representative. The party's participant is also often involved in the proceeding; it has the right to participate in the proceeding if it demonstrates a legitimate interest. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to analyse the standing in administrative law, the existing legislation, and the field in question. The body of the thesis discusses parties and their representation. As regards the research method, the thesis employs the theoretical descriptive method for reviewing domestic and foreign professional literature; the analytical method for defining the party's administrative and legal standing; and the synthetic method for drawing conclusions.
Secondary keywords: Upravno pravo;Diplomske naloge;
Type (COBISS): Final reflection paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 02. 09. 2019;
Pages: 51 str.
ID: 11214195
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