delo diplomskega projekta
Matej Cafuta (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Odločitev po implementaciji ERP sistema je priložnost podjetja, da se prilagodi, konfigurira in medsebojno poveže informacijske tokove in poslovne procese. Sodobne organizacije potrebujejo dinamične strategije za spopad z izzivi današnjega poslovnega sveta, ki se nenehno spreminja. Sposobnost, da se hitro in pravilno prilagodijo novim zahtevam svojih strank in s tem obrnejo v svoj prid gibanja na trgu, je bistvena za preživetje. V današnjem vse bolj konkurenčnem okolju je tako potrebno iskati vedno nove ter najboljše poslovne rešitve s fleksibilnimi in tržno usmerjenimi strukturami. Vsako podjetje mora preučiti svoje delovanje in osvojiti ter integrirati svojo različico informacijske tehnologije, ki v polnosti ustreza poslovanju podjetja. Ta ideja je dobila realno obliko s prihodom celovitih informacijskih sistemov (angl. Enterprise Resource Planning, v nadaljevanju ERP), ki so se najprej uveljavili v velikih, nato pa še v srednjih in malih podjetjih. Mnogi avtorji ERP sisteme opisujejo kot sisteme, ki omogočajo integracijo različnih funkcij podjetja, saj centralizirajo informacije ter jih naredijo bolj dostopne vsem zaposlenim. Tovrstne informacije lahko zaposleni uporabljajo v različnih poslovnih procesih ne glede na to, kje v podjetju se nahajajo. Zanesljiva in odprta informacijska infrastruktura ERP rešitev je tista, ki s svojo sposobnostjo prilagajanja in vpeljave številnih modulov podpira poslovne procese in hkrati omogoča organizaciji hitro in učinkovito prilagajanje na spremembe v okolju. V diplomskem projektu smo tako preučili vrste ERP sistemov, predstavili faze implementacije ter navedli razloge za odločitev o integraciji ERP sistema v delovanje podjetja. Nato smo predstavili najbolj pogoste module, za katere se podjetja ob uvedbi odločijo, nato pa opredelili še ključne igralce na trgu ponudnikov ERP. Podrobneje smo preučili še rešitvi SAP R/3 in SAP HANA S/4, katere smo med seboj primerjali ter predstavili še metodologiji ASAP in SAP Activate. V empiričnem delu diplomskega projekta smo preučili integracijo poslovnih ERP komponent v SAP S/4 HANA Cloud Edition, ki v sodobnem svetu predstavlja atraktivno rešitev za podjetja. Rešitev smo preučili s strani funkcionalnosti, strojne opreme ter arhitekture sistema, hkrati pa smo raziskali strategijo vstopa sistema na trg. Na koncu diplomskega projekta smo vse skupaj povezali s sklepnim razmišljanjem.


poslovna informatika;informacijski sistemi;informacijske rešitve;ERP;SAP;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Cafuta]
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 13508380 Link will open in a new window
Views: 740
Downloads: 102
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimportance of the application of ERP Systems in the case of integration of the ERP components in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud Edition
Secondary abstract: The decision to implement an ERP system offers an opportunity to the company to adapt, configure and interconnect information flows and business processes. Modern organizations need dynamic strategies to meet the challenges of today's ever-changing business world. The ability to adapt quickly and correctly to the new requirements of their customers - and thus turn in their favor of market movement - is essential for survival. In today's increasingly competitive environment, it is therefore necessary to look for new and best business solutions with flexible and market-oriented structures. Every business needs to examine its performance and its own version of information technology that fully fits the business of the business. This idea took a realistic form with development of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, which were first implemented in large and then medium and small enterprises. Many authors describe ERP systems as systems that enable the integration of various company functions, as they centralize information and make it more accessible to all employees. This kind of information can then be used by employees in different business processes, no matter where they are in the company. A reliable and open information infrastructure ERP solution is one that, with its ability to adapt and deploy many modules, supports business processes while enabling the organization to adapt quickly and effectively to changes in the environment. In this thesis, we thus examined the types of ERP systems, presented the implementation stages, and stated the reasons for the decision to integrate the ERP system in the operational process of the company. We then outlined the most common modules that companies decide upon launching and identified key players in the ERP provider market. Furthermore, we examined the SAP R/3 and SAP HANA S/4 solutions in more detail, compared them, and introduced the ASAP and SAP Activate methodologies. In the empirical part of the thesis, we examined the integration of business ERP components in SAP S / 4 HANA Cloud Edition, which in the modern world is an attractive business solution. The solution was examined by functionality, hardware and system architecture, while exploring the market entry strategy.
Secondary keywords: ERP Systems;Business Information System;SAP R/3;SAP S/4 Hana;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 52 str.
ID: 11214625