delo diplomskega projekta
Družinska podjetja so zelo pomembna za naše gospodarstvo, saj pripomorejo k ustvarjanju novih delovnih mest in zmanjševanju brezposelnosti. Zato je pomembno, da družinska podjetja poznajo svoje prednosti in slabosti, saj lahko le tako izboljšajo prednosti oziroma odpravijo svoje slabosti, in se tako bolje razvijajo ter poslujejo na trgu. Obravnavana tema v diplomskem projektu so zato prednosti in slabosti družinskega podjetja. Prednosti in slabosti smo s pomočjo opredelitev različnih avtorjev najprej raziskali v teoretičnem delu, nato pa smo s pomočjo teorije in informacij, ki smo jih pridobili od lastnika proučevanega družinskega podjetja AVF, s. p., prednosti in slabosti prikazali še na primeru tega podjetja. Ugotovitve, ki smo jih zapisali v diplomskem projektu, bi podjetje lahko uporabilo v praksi in s tem izboljšalo in še bolj izkoristilo svoje prednosti, ter zmanjšalo ali pa odpravilo svoje slabosti. V prvem delu diplomskega projekta smo opredelili različne definicije družinskega podjetja, saj za družinsko podjetje še ni enotne definicije, ki bi jo lahko raziskovalci enotno uporabljali. Podali smo tudi razlike med družinskimi in nedružinskimi podjetji ter raziskali ključne osebe družinskega podjetja, ki smo jih nato v praktičnem delu opisali še za proučevano podjetje. Za družinska podjetja je zelo pomembno, da planirajo nasledstvo. Ker menimo, da je nasledstvo pomemben vidik prednosti in slabosti družinskega podjetja, smo v diplomskem projektu tudi to s teorijo potrdili. V drugem, praktičnem delu diplomskega projekta, smo raziskano teorijo preverjali na proučevanem družinskem podjetju AVF, s. p. Z upoštevanjem pridobljene teorije smo imeli zadostne informacije za določitev prednosti in slabosti proučevanega podjetja.
družinsko podjetje;prednosti;slabosti;nasledstvo;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[U. Fijavž] |
UDC: |
334.722.24 |
Views: |
957 |
Downloads: |
219 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Strengths and weaknesses of family business |
Secondary abstract: |
Family businesses are very important for our economy because they contribute to create new jobs and reduce unemployment. It is of high importance for family businesses to know their strengths and weaknesses in order to improve the strengths and to minimize their weaknesses. In this way they run smoothly and productively in the market and they develop better. The chosen topic, presented in the thesis, is therefore the strengths and weaknesses of a family-owned and run business. The theoretical framework presents different definitions of strengths and weaknesses of family businesses by different authors. This leads to better understanding of the concepts relevant to the topic. The theoretical framework clearly described, is then complemented with the information that the owner of the family business AVF, s. p., has supplied for the purpose of this research work. Furthermore the strengths and weaknesses of a family-owned business are demonstrated on the example of the family business AVF, s. p. The family business AVF, s. p., could use the research findings, presented in the thesis, to improve their strengths and make a better use of them in the market; and at the same time to minimize and eventually eliminate their weaknesses. The first part of the thesis displays different definitions of family businesses. Family business studies do not offer yet a unified definition neither the unified terms that could be used for research purposes. The thesis also presents the differences between family businesses and non-family businesses. It also examines the key persons in a family-run business. The roles of the key persons in a family business are then presented and demonstrated in the family business AVF, s. p. It is very important for family businesses to plan family business succession. Our theoretical assumption is that family business succession is an important aspect that shows both, strengths as well as weaknesses of a family business and this thesis confirms this theory. In the second part of the thesis the theoretical framework, presented in the first part, is examined in use in the family business AVF, s. p. The theory combined with the practice offers enough data to successfully determine the strengths and weaknesses of the family business, presented in this research work. |
Secondary keywords: |
family business;strengths of a family business;weaknesses of a family business;the differences between family businesses and non-family businesses;key persons in a family business;family business succession; |
Type (COBISS): |
Diploma project paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
II, 50 str. |
ID: |
11214779 |