diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Žiga Šrot (Author), Miloš Bogataj (Mentor), Andreja Nemet (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko regulacije nivoja tekočin v rezervoarju s kaskadno regulacijo. Regulacija nivoja v rezervoarju zahteva obvladovanje procesa z integracijsko aktivnostjo in taki procesi so z vidika regulacije težko obvladljivi. Glavni problem diplomskega dela je, kako določiti konstante regulatorjev kaskadne regulacije, da dosežemo hiter in stabilen odziv sistema na motnjo ali spremembo referenčne vrednosti regulirane spremenljivke. Eksperimentalno delo je potekalo na demonstracijski napravi RT 674 proizvajalca Gunt GmbH. Eksperimente smo izvedli v skladu z I-optimalnim eksperimentalnim načrtom. Za merilo učinkovitosti regulacijskega sistema smo izbrali metriki: integral absolutne napake in integral časovno utežene absolutne napake. Z metodo odzivnih površin smo razvili polinomska modela, ki opisujeta funkcijsko odvisnost med izbranima metrikama in vrednostmi konstant regulatorjev. Optimalne vrednosti konstant regulatorjev smo določili z minimiranjem vrednosti obeh metrik. Rezultati potrjujejo hipotezo diplomskega dela, da lahko z izvedbo relativno majhnega števila eksperimentov, ki so v skladu z ustreznim eksperimentalnim načrtom, in uporabo metodologije odzivnih površin, določimo vrednosti konstant PID regulatorjev primarne in sekundarne zanke, ki omogočajo učinkovito kaskadno regulacijo nivoja tekočin.


regulacija nivoja tekočin;kaskadna regulacija;uglaševanje regulatorjev;eksperimentalni načrt;metoda odzivnih površin;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [Ž. Šrot]
UDC: 681.533.44:542(043.2)
COBISS: 22690838 Link will open in a new window
Views: 911
Downloads: 161
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimization of pid controller constants for cascade control of liquid level using response surface methodology
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the topic of liquid level control in a tank using a cascade control loop. Controlling a liquid level in a tank requires handling of a system with integrating activity. Such processes are difficult to control. The main problem of the thesis was how to determine the constants of the controllers in a cascade control loop in order to achieve a fast and stable response of the system to a disturbance or a change of the controlled variable set-point. The experimental work was carried out on the RT 674 demonstration unit manufactured by Gunt GmbH. The experiments were performed according to the I-optimal experimental design. Integral absolute error and integral time absolute error were chosen as metrics to evaluate the efficiency of the control system. Using response surface methodology two polynomial models were developed. The models describe a functional relationship between the metrics and the values of the controller constants. Finally, the optimal values of the controller constants were determined by minimizing the values of both metrics. The results obtained confirm the hypothesis that by performing a limited number of experiments that are in accordance with I-optimal experimental design and using the response surface methodology, we can determine controller constants, which enable efficient cascade control of liquid level.
Secondary keywords: liquid level control;cascade control;controller tuning;design of experiments;response surface methodology;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 43 str.
ID: 11214858
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