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Nina Kukman (Author), Jasna Bertoncelj (Reviewer), Petra Terpinc (Mentor)


Pira (Triticum spelta) je vrsta žita, ki zadnje čase ponovno pridobiva na veljavi. Z uživanjem celih pirinih zrn poskrbimo za vnos nekaterih pomembnih bioaktivnih spojin in tako pripomoremo k zmanjšanju oksidativnega stresa v telesu. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali vpliv dodatka kaljenih pirinih zrn (KPZ) na vsebnost antioksidantov (AO) v kruhu. Vzorce smo analizirali spektrofotometrično z uporabo Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reagenta, DPPH radikala in ABTS radikala. Rezultate smo izrazili kot ekvivalent klorogenske kisline in ugotovili, da se v kruhu brez in z dodatkom KPZ večina spojin z antioksidativnim delovanjem nahaja v vezani obliki ne glede na uporabljeno metodo. Večji delež dodanih KPZ ni pomenil nujno tudi večje vsebnosti AO v končnem izdelku, vendar pa se je uporaba KPZ v vseh primerih izkazala za upravičeno. Predlagamo 15 % dodatek KPZ, ki je reaktivnost vezanih fenolnih spojin (FS) v kruhu izboljšal za 22 % v testu FC, 26 % v testu DPPH in 36 % v testu ABTS, reaktivnost ekstraktibilnih FS pa za 131 % v testu FC, 457 % v testu DPPH in 186 % v testu ABTS v primerjavi s kontrolo brez KPZ. Razvoj funkcionalnih izdelkov kot je kruh z dodatkom KPZ je smotrn zlasti za ljudi, ki zaužijejo premalo polnozrnatih žit in AO.


pira;Triticum spelta;obogaten kruh;kaljena pirina zrna;antioksidanti;fenolne spojine;analizne metode;Folin-Ciocalteu;DPPH;ABTS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Kukman]
UDC: 633.111:543.637:547.56
COBISS: 5090936 Link will open in a new window
Views: 790
Downloads: 274
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Antioxidant properties of bread enriched with sprouted spelt grains
Secondary abstract: Spelt (Triticum spelta) is a type of grain that has recently been rediscovered. Whole spelt grains are important source of bioactive compounds, which may reduce oxidative stress in human body. In our research the impact of added sprouted spelt grains (KPZ) on the content of antioxidants (AO) in bread was studied. Samples were analysed spectrophotometrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reagent, the DPPH radical and the ABTS radical. The results were expressed as the equivalent of chlorogenic acid and it was determined that in bread without and with the addition of KPZ, most of the compounds with antioxidative activity are in bound form, regardless of the method used. The higher addition of sprouted spelt grains did not necessarily result into higher AO value of the final product, however, the use of KPZ was found to be justified in all cases. The addition of 15 % of KPZ would be recommended, which improved the reactivity of bound phenolic compounds (FS) in bread for 22 % in the FC test, 26 % in the DPPH test and 36 % in the ABTS test, and the reactivity of the extractable FS for 131 % in the FC test, 457 % in the DPPH test and 186 % in the ABTS test compared to the control without KPZ. The development of functional products such as bread with the addition of KPZ is especially important for people consuming too little whole grain cereals and AO.
Secondary keywords: spelt;Triticum spelta;enriched bread;sprouted spelt grains;antioxidants;phenolic compounds;analytical methods;Folin-Ciocalteu;DPPH;ABTS;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VII, 23 f.
ID: 11217826