magistrsko delo
Aleš Krošel (Author), Riko Šafarič (Mentor), Vito Tič (Mentor), Darko Lovrec (Co-mentor)


V magistrski nalogi je predstavljeno načrtovanje sistema vodenja pnevmatske delovne postaje s krmilnikom Beckhoff preko vodila Profinet. Opisane so prednosti in slabosti uporabe pnevmatskih sistemov. Postopek konfiguracije in snovanja programa je predstavljen s poudarkom na modularni zgradbi programa za krmilnik. Narejen je pregled podprtih programskih jezikov in izbira najustreznejšega glede na zgradbo programa. Kot krmilnik je uporabljen namizni računalnik, ki s pomočjo mrežne kartice komunicira z Beckhoff moduli in tako tvori industrijski krmilnik. Na računalniku je narejen tudi uporabniški vmesnik, ki služi kot vmesnik človek-stroj.


programiranje;krmilnik Beckhoff;vodilo Profinet;programski jeziki;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [A. Krošel]
UDC: 681.51:621.54(043.2)
COBISS: 22774294 Link will open in a new window
Views: 586
Downloads: 136
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Control of pneumatic workstation with Profinet bus and controller Beckhoff
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis presents the design of a control system for a pneumatic workstation with a Beckhoff controller via Profinet. The advantages and disadvantages of using pneumatic systems are described. The program configuration and design process is presented with an emphasis on the modular structure of the controller program. An overview of the supported programming languages and selection of the most appropriate according to the structure of the program is made. The controller is a desktop computer that communicates with Beckhoff modules using a network card to form an industrial controller. The computer also has a user interface that serves as a human-machine interface.
Secondary keywords: programming;Beckhoff controller;Profinet bus;programming languages;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mehatronika
Pages: VIII, 67 str.
ID: 11218031