diplomsko delo Visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje Strojništvo
Aleš Perkan (Author), Joško Valentinčič (Mentor), Andrej Lebar (Co-mentor)


Navitje kolesnega elektromotorja je občutljivo na vodo. Epoksidna smola, v katero je zalit stator kolesnega elektromotorja, je nagnjena k pokanju. Razpoka omogoči vodi dostop do navitja. V kolikor voda pride do navitja, se zgodi preboj, ki povzroči nedelovanje motorja. Stator ovijemo v zunanjo zaščito in s tem vodi preprečimo dostop v razpoke. Namen diplomske naloge je določiti vse potrebno za ovitje statorja v zaščitno folijo. Testirali smo dva različna tipa folije. Pri jekleni foliji smo določili ustrezno lepilo, parametre mreženja lepila in izvedli prednapetje folije. Rezultate smo vrednotili z meritvami odprtega tokokroga, kjer smo se osredotočili na izgube zaradi induciranih vrtinčnih tokov. Pri ovitju statorja v polimerno termoskrčljivo folijo smo določili pripravo površine statorja, dodajanje epoksidnega lepila, pritisno silo v obliki ukalupljanja statorja in parametre mreženja lepila. Folijo smo testirali s testom toplotnega šoka, opazovali smo interakcije različnih materialov. Rezultati so pokazali, da je jeklena folija za ovijanje procesno zelo zahtevna, izgube zaradi vrtinčnih tokov pa so še sprejemljive. Polimerna folija se je izkazala za bolj primerno izbiro, pritisna sila je zagotovila dobro adhezijo med folijo in statorjem. Testiranje ni pokazalo večjih nepravilnosti, folija ni bila poškodovana in je prestala test.


diplomske naloge;kolesni elektromotorji;statorji;zaščite;jeklene folije;polimerne termoskrčljive folije;epoksidne smole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Perkan]
UDC: 621.313:621.3.043.2(043.2)
COBISS: 16878107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 893
Downloads: 108
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: External stator protection of an in-wheel motor
Secondary abstract: The winding of an in-wheel electric motor is water sensitive. Epoxy resin, with which the stator of an in-wheel motor is casted, is prone to cracking. The crack allows water to access the winding. In case water reaches the winding, an electrical breakdown occurs, that causes the engine to malfunction. To prevent water from entering into the cracks, the stator is wrapped with external protection. The purpose of the thesis is to determine all requirements needed to perform foil wrapping of the stator. We tested two different types of foil. For the steel foil we determined the proper glue for the application, curing parameters of the glue and prestressed the foil. We evaluated the results by open circuit measurements, where we focused on the induced eddy current losses. For the polymer heat shrinking foil we determined the surface preparation of the stator, the addition of epoxy glue, the compressive force in form of a stator mold and the curring parameters of the glue. We tested the foil with a heat shock test, where we observed interactions between different stator materials. The results for the steel foil showed that the wrapping process is very demanding, but on the other hand the eddy current losses were still manageable. The polymer heat shrinking foil proved to be a better choice, the compressive force ensured good adhesion between the foil and the stator. The testing results didn't show larger irregularities, the foil wasn't damaged and passed the test.
Secondary keywords: in-wheel electric motors;stators;protection;steel foils;polymer heat shrinking foils;epoxy resins;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 2020-09-05
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXII, 60 str.
ID: 11218604
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