magistrsko delo
Domagoj Cipurić (Author), Tomaž Tollazzi (Mentor), Marko Šoštarić (Co-mentor)


Predmet obravnave magistrskega dela je analiza križišča v mestu Karlovac na Hrvaškem. Zaradi izgradnje obvoznice staromestnega jedra »Zvijezda« v Karlovcu bo obravnavano križišče dobilo novo vlogo v cestnem omrežju. Iz teh razlogov je bilo za izbor optimalne variante rekonstrukcije potrebno izvesti analizo projektno tehničnih elementov križišča, kapacitetno analizo ter prometno varnostno analizo s ciljem ugotavljanja pomanjkljivosti, zaradi katerih lahko pride do nastanka prometnih nesreč. Pri izvedbi kapacitetne analize so zraven izvedenega štetja prometa upoštevane predpostavke o prometnih obremenitvah iz elaborata, ki opravičuje izvedbo omenjene obvoznice. Na podlagi vseh opravljenih analiz ter upoštevajoč prostorske omejitve sta na koncu predlagani dve varianti rekonstrukcije križišča. Prvo varianto predstavlja nesemaforizirano kanalizirano križišče z ločenimi pasovi za leve zavijalce, drugo varianto pa majhno urbano krožno križišče. Z upoštevanjem preverjenih kriterijev za izbor optimalne geometrije križišča je kot optimalna varianta rekonstrukcije predlagana varianta 1, in sicer nesemaforizirano kanalizirano križišče z ločenimi pasovi za leve zavijalce.


nivojska križišča;prometna varnost;rekonstrukcija križišča;kanalizirano križišče;krožno križišče;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [D. Cipurić]
UDC: 656.1.021:625.739(043.2)
COBISS: 22711830 Link will open in a new window
Views: 807
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Traffic safety analysis with a proposal for the reconstruction of the four-leg intersection in Karlovac
Secondary abstract: The subject of the master's thesis is an analysis of an intersection in Karlovac, Croatia. Due to the construction of the bypass of the old town "Zvijezda" in Karlovac, the junction is given a new role in the road network. For this reason, in order to select the optimal reconstruction variant, it was necessary to carry out an analysis of the design and technical elements of the intersection, a capacity analysis and a road safety analysis in order to determine the deficiencies that could lead to the occurrence of traffic accidents. In carrying out the capacity analysis, in addition to the performed traffic counting, the assumptions about traffic loads from the study that justifies the implementation of the bypass are also taken into account. Based on all the performed analyses and considering the space limitations, two variants of the intersection reconstruction are finally proposed. The first variant is a non-signalized channelled intersection with separate lanes for left turns and the second variant is a small urban roundabout. Taking into account the verified criteria for selecting the optimal intersection geometry, variant 1, a non-signalized channelled intersection with separate lanes for left turns, is proposed as the optimal reconstruction variant.
Secondary keywords: level crossing intersection;traffic safety;reconstruction of the intersection;channeled intersection;roundabout;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: XII, 113 str., [1] pril
ID: 11222153