diplomsko delo
Nina Podobnik (Author), Krešimir Puharič (Mentor)


Marsikateri posameznik se na začetku svoje podjetniške poti sreča z vprašanjem, katero pravnoorganizacijsko obliko izbrati za ustanovitev gospodarske družbe. Odločitev je precej lažja, če poznamo prednosti in slabosti oblik, med katerimi se odločamo,potek ustanovitve, pogoje, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni za ustanovitev, in morebitne stroške, ki nastanejo pri ustanavljanju. Na odločitev o temi diplomskega dela je vplivalo dejstvo, da imamo v družini tako samostojnega podjetnika kot tudi družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo, zato sem želela izvedeti več o eni in drugi obliki poslovanja oziroma o pozitivnih in negativnih plateh obeh oblik. Že v času študija sem dobila veliko informacij o samem delovanju družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo in samostojnega podjetnika posameznika, ki pa sem jih želela še dopolniti, predvsem na področju ustanovitve obeh, ter z opredelitvijo pomembnih razlik med njima. Po tehtnem premisleku in pomoči mentorja sem se odločila za naslov Postopek in bistvene, kogentne prvine v zvezi z ustanovitvijo d.o.o. ter subjektov podjetnikov posameznikov.Tema je v današnjih gospodarskih razmerah zelo aktualna, saj vsakdo želi z opravljanjem dejavnosti priti do čim višjega dohodka, hkrati pa imeti čim manj stroškov, plačati čim manj davkov in se izogniti odgovornosti z lastnim premoženjem. Pomen s.p. in d.o.o. je za gospodarstvo zelo velik, saj posamezniki z ustanavljanjem podjetij rešujejo pereč problem brezposelnosti, kateremu smo priča v trenutni gospodarski krizi.


človekove pravice;terorizem;Slovenija;Slovenska obveščevalno-varnostna agencija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [N. Podobnik]
UDC: 334.757/.72(043.2)
COBISS: 2053238454 Link will open in a new window
Views: 147
Downloads: 26
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: At the beginning of business journey, many individuals face a dilemma, which type of company they should choose. The choice gets easier, if we are aware of pros and cons of the types we are choosing from, if we know the procedure for establishing a company, as well as conditions that need to be fulfilled before we start the establishment and any expenses the establishment of certain type of company brings along. My decision for this title and subject was based on the fact, that members of my family run two types of companies, limited liability company and sole trader. For that reason, I wanted to learn more about both types of companies and their pros and cons. Through studying, I gained a lot of information about how sole trader and limited liability company work, but I wanted to complete my knowledge about it, especially in the fields of establishing a company and important differences between the two types I chose. After careful consideration and with help of my mentor, I chose the title Process and crucial elements regarding the establishment of limited liability company and sole trader. It's a relevant topic for today's economic circumstances, because it is in everybody's interest to gain as much profit as possible, reduce expenses and taxes and avoid bearing responsibilities with personal property. Sole trader and limited liability company are playing big role in today's economy, because they help solving a big problem with unemployment that we are facing in current economic crisis.
Secondary keywords: Gospodarstvo;Diplomske naloge;Družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo;Podjetništvo;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 44 str.
ID: 11222760