Daniel Gruden (Author), Borut Kosec (Mentor)


Z uporabo izmenjevalcev toplote je možno izrabiti odpadno toploto, ki jo industrijski obrati zavržejo v okolje. Izgubljena toplota predstavlja ogromno ekonomsko in ekološko škodo. Toplotne izgube, ki jih trpimo zaradi uhajanja ali izločanja vročih medijev v okolje, lahko minimiziramo s pomočjo toplotnih izmenjevalcev. Izmenjevalce toplote je potrebno pravilno izbrati in dimenzionirati, če želimo, da bo naložba finančno uspešna. V jeklarski družbi SIJ Acroni d. o. o., največjemu slovenskemu proizvajalcu jekla, se poslužujejo peči RUST za ogrevanju slabov pred valjanjem. Peč, ki deluje deluje kontinuirno, praktično 365 dni v letu, 24 ur na dan, je največji potrošnik plina v družbi. Toploto, ki jo peč izgubi z dimnimi plini, rekuperirajo s cevnim rekuperatorjem KEU GmbH. Pri zadnji rekonstrukciji potisne peči leta 2006 in 2007 se karakteristik rekuperatorja ni izboljšalo, kljub izboljšavi karakteristik peči. Zato je bil cilj dela narediti kontrolni preračun za KEU GbmH s pomočjo podatkov iz literature. Rekuperator smo preračunali za dva primera, in sicer za najnižjo in najvišjo izmerjeno temperaturo dimnih plinov, ki so vstopali v rekuperator. Razlika med višjo in nižjo temperatura v rekuperator vstopajočega dimnega plina ni povzročila znatnih razlik v dimenzijskih zahtevah. V delu je predstavljena uporaba izmenjevalcev toplote in delitev izmenjevalcev toplote v uporabne kategorije. Potem je predstavljena peč RUST in rekuperator KEU GbmH.


rekuperator;potisna peč;dimenzioniranje;dimni plini;zrak;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [D. Gruden]
UDC: 669
COBISS: 1824095 Link will open in a new window
Views: 547
Downloads: 151
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: optimisation of thermotechnical characteristics of convective tube recuperator
Secondary abstract: By using heat exchangers it is possible to reuse waste heat which is discarted by industrial plants into the environment. The heat lost represents an enormous economic and ecological damage. The heat losses suffered from the leakage of warmed fluids into the environment can be minimized with the use of heat exchangers. Heat exchangers need to be properly selected and sized in order for the investment to be financially viable. In the steel company SIJ Acroni d. o. o., Slovenia's largest steelmaker, uses the furnace RUST to preheat slabs before rolling. The oven, which operates continuously, virtually 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, is the largest gas consumer in the company. The heat lost by the furnace through the flue gas is recovered by the KEU GmbH tube recuperator. The last reconstruction of the furnace in 2006 and 2007 did not improve the performance of the recuperator, despite the improvement of the furnace characteristics. Therefore, the aim of the thesis was to make a control calculation for KEU GbmH recuperator using literature data. The recuperator was calculated for two cases, namely, the minimum and maximum measured temperatures of the flue gases entering the recuperator. The difference between higher and lower temperatures in the flue gas recuperator did not cause significant differences in dimensional requirements. The thesis presents the use of heat exchangers and the division of heat exchangers into useful cathegories. What follows is the presentation of the RUST furnace and the KEU GbmH recuperator.
Secondary keywords: heat exchanger;pusher furnace;sizing;flue gases;air;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Odd. za materiale in metalurgijo
Pages: XIII, 35 f.
ID: 11222820