delo diplomskega projekta
Nejc Trpin (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V današnjem času razvoja tehnologij industrije 4.0, izrazi kot so strojno učenje (angl. Machine Learning), internet stvari (angl. Internet of Things) in računalnišvo v oblaku (angl. Cloud Computing) niso več nič tujega, vendar so postale del našega vsakdanjega življenja. Eksponenten razvoj tehnologij, katere temeljijo na umetni inteligenci (angl. Artificial Inteligence) je svoj pečat pustil tudi v poslovnem svetu podjetij vseh panog in s tem se je tehnologija umetne inteligence prav tako integrirala v sisteme, kot so ERP rešitve. ERP sistemi z integrirano umetno inteligenco, organizacijam omogočajo poslovanje s širokim naborom informacij in znanj, ki so potrebna za uspešnost poslovnih procesov. Vstop industrije 4.0 na trg je poslovni svet obrnil na glavo. Zato je pomembno, da se podjetja zavedajo vplivnosti novih tehnologij in jih vključujejo v svoje poslovne načrte, če želijo biti dolgoročno konkurenčna ter uspešna. V prvem delu diplomskega projekta smo se posvetili pojmu industrija 4.0, ga pojasnili in opredelili, kateri elementi jo sestavljajo. Preučili smo tudi pomen umetne inteligence v industriji 4.0 in njen razvoj, od prvega pojmovanja, do danes. V tem delu smo prav tako opredelili kaj točno ERP sploh je in kakšen je njegov pomen za podjetja, ugotovili smo smer razvoja ERP sistemov in v nadaljevanju smo predstavili njihove glavne predstavnike. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili na podjetje SAP in njihove informacijske rešitve, kasneje pa smo predstavili še tehnološki inovacijski sistem SAP Leonardo, povedali kaj ta omogoča in utemeljili po metodo uvedbe tega sistema v podjetja. Drugi del diplomskega projekta smo namenili analizi treh študijskih primerov podjetji, ki so svoje poslovne postopke podprle s funkcijami sistema SAP Leonardo. Ob tem smo poskušali ugotoviti uspešnost implementacij nove tehnologije v podjetja, glede na njihove predhodno zastavljene cilje inovacijske posodobitve.


informacijska tehnologija;informacijske rešitve;ERP;industrija 4.0;umetna inteligenca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Trpin]
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 13506588 Link will open in a new window
Views: 569
Downloads: 105
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business potential for the use of the industry 4.0 in the case of solution SAP Leonardo
Secondary abstract: Nowadays with the development of technology 4.0, therms like machine learning, Internet of Things and cloud computing, are nothing strange and became part of our every day lives. The exponential development of Artificial Intelligence based technology, has also left its mark on the business world in all industries and with that, Artificial Intelligence technology integrated itself into systems like ERP solutions. ERP systems with integrated Artificial Intelligence, enable the organizations to operate with a wide range of information whick is needed for the success of business processes. The entry of Industry 4.0 to the market has turned the business world upside down. Therefore, it is important for the companys to be aware of the influence of the new technologies and apply them to its business plan, if they want it to be competitive and successful in the long run. In the first part of the thesis project we focused on the concept of Industry 4.0, which we defined and determined what elements make it up. We studied through the meaning of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 and through its evolution, from its earliest conceptions to the present. In this part, we also defined what exactly ERP is and what meaning does it have for the companys, we went through the development of ERP systems and then we presented their main representatives. Later, we focused on SAP its IT solutions, and later introduced the SAP Leonardo Technology Innovation System, told what it enables and established the methodology of introducing it into the company. The second part of the thesis project was dedicated for the analysis of three case studies which supported their business processes with the SAP Leonardo functions. At the same time, we tried to determine the success of implementing the new technologies in the company, with regard to their previous determined goals through innovation updates.
Secondary keywords: Industry 4.0;ERP Systems;Artificial Intelligence;SAP;SAP Leonardo;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 35 str.
ID: 11224451