problem eksistence in fenomenologija razpoloženja
Dino Manzoni (Author), Bojan Musil (Mentor), Gorazd Andrejč (Co-mentor)


Fenomenološka metoda v psihologiji se nanaša na določen pristop k psihološkemu razmišljanju, raziskovanju in praksi, ki črpa možnosti načina raziskovanja in teorijo iz kulturnih ved oz. humanistike. Takšna usmeritev temelji na fenomenologiji, filozofiji eksistencializma, hermenevtiki ter (socialnemu) konstrukcionizmu. Osrednji poudarek je na razumevanju ter osmišljanju temeljnih struktur zavesti in "življenjskega sveta" ter žive in celostne izkušnje subjekta raziskave ali pa klienta, ki je v zdravniški obravnavi. Razumevanje življenjskega sveta kot področja, kjer se rodi neka specifična psiho-patologija, s katero posameznik v svetu biva, ponudi konceptualno orodje za raziskovanje doživljanja v psihologiji. Takšne vrste metoda sistematičnega raziskovanja duševnosti (ki ni introspektivno), zaobjema konkretno izkušnjo vedno že utelešenega in situiranega subjekta v (zgodovinsko-kulturnem) svetu. Subjekt in svet nista ločeni entiteti, temveč sovpadata tako, da vedno že tvorita enotnost. Svet kot svet je dan le z razpoloženjem, in sicer kot temeljno počutje. Fenomenološko preučevanje razpoloženjskih in drugih afektivnih stanj lahko tako signifikantno vpliva na razumevanje številnih psihiatričnih bolezni, saj razpoloženja primarno strukturirajo celotno bivanjsko resničnost. Ker pa se vsako raziskovanje zavesti začne s percepcijo - saj je neko védenje vedno že vzpostavljeno v področju in horizontih, ki jih odpira naša percepcija - mora biti tudi v raziskovanje afektivnih stanj vključeno fenomenološko razumevanje percepcije in telesa.


magistrska dela;fenomenološka psihologija;razpoloženje;življenjski svet;gestalt psihologija;percepcija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [D. Manzoni]
UDC: 159.9:165.62(043.2)
COBISS: 24824328 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1399
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Phenomenological method in psychology: the problem of existence and the phenomenology of mood
Secondary abstract: The phenomenological method in psychology refers to a particular approach to thinking, research, and practice in psychology, drawing on possibilities in the ways of inquiry and theory used in cultural studies and humanities. This orientation is based on phenomenology, the philosophy of existentialism, hermeneutics and (social) constructionism. The main focus is on understanding and conceptualizing the fundamental structures of consciousness - of the "lifeworld" - and the live and holistic experience of the research subject or client undergoing medical treatment. Understanding the lifeworld as an area where every psycho(patho)logy emerges with which one exists in the world, offers us a conceptual tool for exploring experiences in psychology. This kind of method of systematic research of psyche (which is not introspective) captures the concrete experience of an always embodied and situated subject in the (specific socio-historical) world. The subject and the world are not separate entities but coincide in that they always form a unity. The world as a world, however, is given to us only through (fundamental) mood. Phenomenological study of mood and other affective states can thus significantly contribute to understanding many psychiatric disorders, since moods primarily structure our entire (existential) reality. However, since every study of consciousness begins with perception - as knowledge in this field and horizons which our perception opens to us already exists - so must the phenomenological understanding of perception and the body be included in the research of affective states.
Secondary keywords: master theses;phenomenological psychology;mood;lifeworld;gestalt psychology;perception;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IV, 80 str.
ID: 11227944
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