diplomsko delo
Valentina Slodnjak (Author), Ksenija Šabec (Mentor)


Dobrih 60 let nazaj je afriški kontinent postopoma začel svojo samostojno pot. Leta 1957 se je osamosvojila prva afriška država, Gana, njenemu vzoru pa so do konca stoletja sledile še ostale afriške države. Konec kolonialnega obdobja pa ni pomenil konca kolonialne zgodbe. Danes bivše kolonialne velesile še vedno ohranjajo svoj pokroviteljski status z različnimi ekonomskimi in političnimi pritiski. Humanitarne organizacije so nazoren prikaz neokolonialne prakse v sedanjosti. Velika Britanija in Francija, bivši kolonialni sili, sta danes eni izmed največjih donatork in sta stalno prisotni v humanitarnem sektorju. Kljub altruističnim motivom, ki so nedvomno prisotni pri večini humanitarnih organizacij, pa ima lahko delovanje teh humanitarnih organizacij v ozadju tudi drugačne motive. Posledično lahko njihovo delovanje prinese negativne posledice za afriške države, v katerih delujejo. Delovanje humanitarnih organizacij lahko razumemo kot nadaljevanje kolonialističnega modela, kjer sta politična in ekonomska moč še vedno centrirani v zahodnem svetu. S primerjalno analizo obstoječih praks in literature bom v diplomskem delu raziskala, kako lahko sodobno delovanje humanitarnih organizacij razumemo tudi iz vidika neokolonializma. S tem bi rada poudarila pomembnost in nujnost vzpostavitve kritičnega diskurza na področju humanitarnega dela in medijske reprezentacije Afrike na Zahodu.


Humanitarne organizacije;Izkoriščanje;Kritična analiza;Afrika;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [V. Slodnjak]
UDC: 316.323.8:061.23(6)(043.2)
COBISS: 36458333 Link will open in a new window
Views: 479
Downloads: 189
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Humanitarian organizations as neocolonizators
Secondary abstract: About 60 years ago, the African continent gradually began its own journey. Ghana was the first country that became independent, in 1957, followed by other African countries by the end of the century. The end of the colonial period, however, did not mark the end of the colonial story. Today, the former colonial superpowers still retain their patronage status with various economic and political pressures. Humanitarian organizations are a clear demonstration of neo-colonial practice in the present. United Kingdom and France, former colonial powers, are today one of the largest donors and have a steady presence in the humanitarian sector. Despite the altruistic motives that are undoubtedly present in most humanitarian organizations there might be also different motives for their work. As a result, their operation may have negative consequences for the African countries in which they operate. The work of humanitarian organizations can be seen as a continuation of the colonialist model, where political and economic power are still centered in the Western world. Through a comparative analysis of existing practices and pre-existing literature, I will analyze through my thesis how humanitarian organizations can be understood today as neo-colonialism. In doing so, I would like to emphasize the importance and urgency of establishing a critical discourse in the field of humanitarian work and the media representation of Africa in the West.
Secondary keywords: Humanitarian organizations;Imperializem;Imperialism;Exploitation;Critical analysis;Africa;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 36 str.
ID: 11229094