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Mihael Pojbič (Author), Petra Weingerl (Mentor)


Mutual recognition in the EU is both a goal and a principle in of itself, constructed and operationalised through individual provisions. The principle of mutual recognition is regarded as fundamental in enabling cooperation between Member States both in civil and criminal matters. The principle of mutual recognition has long ago outgrown the Internal Market and seeped through into judicial matters between Member States in the AFSJ. The accompanying realisation that the EU is not just an economic area is therefore evident. Since the inception of the idea of a Europe free of classical border checks facilitating freedom of movement was manifested, the fear of circumventing the application of judicial decisions became evermore real. Therefore, monumental changes in the fields of international criminal and international private law were expected and implemented in the European union (EU), through the principle of mutual trust and mutual recognition. Subsequently, classical concepts of private international and international criminal law gave way to Europeanised concepts of exequatur, the public policy exception, the principle of reciprocity, the principle of double criminality and the principle of specialty to name a few. It should be noted that these rules had been reserved to be enacted by the Member States. However, by loosening those principles the guarantees and freedoms which they either explicitly or implicitly guard are in danger of being sidestepped in order to enable mutual recognition. Therefore, at the forefront of the debate of mutual recognition of judicial decisions is the question of protecting fundamental rights and legal principles enshrined both in European and domestic legislation of the Member States. The balancing act that the EU preforms has to be careful enough to facilitate mutual recognition while not jeopardizing mutual trust between Member States. Today both EU private international law and EU criminal law work on the basis of the provisions which facilitate mutual recognition and limit it within the AFSJ. Since the basic idea behind mutual recognition is the same, i.e. free movement of judicial decisions, both their manifestations and their limits should strive to respect the basic framework of the field of law form which they stand. While the principle of mutual recognition has been slowly and methodically evolving, there is a sense of urgency with the development of the principle of mutual recognition in criminal matters.


ǂthe ǂprinciple of mutual recognition;European arrest warrant;exequatur;surrender;general principles of EU law;recognition and enforcement of judgements;double criminality;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: M. Pojbič]
UDC: 347.951.2(043.3)
COBISS: 5818411 Link will open in a new window
Views: 737
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Načelo vzajemnega priznavanja na območju svobode, varnosti in pravice
Secondary abstract: V okviru Evropske unije (EU) predstavlja načelo vzajemnega priznavanja temeljno načelo na podlagi katerega je zgrajeno današnje območje svobode varnosti in pravice. Manifestirano je tako v okviru mednarodnega zasebnega prava EU, kakor kazenskega prava EU. Vse odkar se je porodila ideja o Evropi, ki ni obremenjena s preprekami za svobodo gibanja, je bil v ozadju strah, da bo prišlo do zmanjšanega učinka bodisi kazenskih ali civilnih odločb med državami članicami. Posledično je evropski zakonodajalec na teh področjih izvršil celostno preobrazbo načela vzajemnega priznavanja, z željo po olajšanju prostega pretoka sodnih odločb na območju svobode, varnosti in pravice. Koncepti mednarodnega kazenskega in mednarodnega zasebnega prava, kot so eksekvatura, ugovor javnega reda, načelo recipročnosti, načelo identitete norme in načelo specialnosti (pred tem tradicionalno materija urejena na ravni vsake države članice) so dobili preko načel vzajemnega zaupanja in vzajemnega priznavanja novo podobo. Z njihovo preobrazbo je grozila nevarnost, da bodo temeljne pravice in svoboščine deležne manjše pozornosti, da bi se zagotovila večja učinkovitost načela vzajemnega priznavanja. Da pa bi se to preprečilo, je Evropska unija dolžna izvajati tehtanje načela vzajemnega priznavanja zoper vsa tista načela, ki mu stojijo nasproti, vendar zgolj toliko, da se načelo medsebojnega zaupanja med državami članicami ne pretrga. Ker je osnovna ideja za načelom vzajemnega priznavanja enaka, tj. omogočanje "prostega pretoka sodnih odločb", bi morala biti glede na njeno manifestacijo bodisi v mednarodnem zasebnem pravu ali mednarodnem kazenskem pravu EU primerna glede na smisel področja, ki ga posamezen procesni akt EU pokriva.
Secondary keywords: Načelo vzajemnega nriznavanja;evropski nalog za prijetje in predajo;eksekvatura;predaja;splošna načela prava EU;priznavanje in izvršitev sodnih odločb;dvojna kaznivost;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: IX, 69 str.
ID: 11229587