diplomsko delo
Gašper Pivec (Author), Mirko Kariž (Reviewer), Manja Kitek Kuzman (Mentor)


Moderna vgradna omara je danes nepogrešljiv del skoraj vsakega stanovanja saj pomaga rešiti marsikateri prostorski problem. Narejena po meri omogoča optimalno izrabo prostora za shranjevanje, ki je prilagojen posameznikovim individualnim potrebam in željam. V diplomskem delu je bil narejen pregled slovenskega trga na področju vgradnega pohištva. Z anketo smo ugotovili, kakšno je mnenje slovenskih kupcev o garderobnih omarah, opredeljeni so bili najpomembnejši nakupni dejavniki za walk-in omaro ter analizirano mnenje anketirancev glede vključevanja pametnih funkcij v sodobno bivalno pohištvo. Z metodo AHP smo po mnenju strokovnjakov ugotovili, katere lastnosti vgradne omare so najpomembnejše pri odločitvi za nakup. S pomočjo programa Solidworks smo zasnovali sistem modularne vgradne omare. Skonstruirali smo vgradno omaro, ki omogoča optimalno izrabo prostora za shranjevanje in je ergonomsko prilagojena posameznikovim individualnim potrebam in omogoča vključevanje sodobne inovativne informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije oz. pametne funkcije.


omarno pohištvo;vgradne omare;konstruiranje;oblikovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [G. Pivec]
UDC: 684.45
COBISS: 3117961 Link will open in a new window
Views: 600
Downloads: 149
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design and construction of the walk-in wardrobe
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, a modern walk-in closet is an indispensable part of almost every residence, because it helps solve many problems associated with lack of space. Custom-built, it enables optimum use of storage space, which is adapted to individual needs and wishes. For the purposes of my diploma thesis, an overview of the Slovenian built-in furniture industry was prepared. With the survey, Slovenian buyers were asked what they think about walk-in closets; further, the most important purchase factors for the walk-in closet were defined, and the opinion of respondents on integrating smart functions in modern household furniture was analysed. Using the AHP method, it was detemined which walk-in closet features drive the customer purchasing decision. With the SolidWorks program we designed a modular walk-in closet system. We constructed a walk-in closet that enables optimum use of storage space and is ergonomically adapted to individual needs and enables integration of contemporary information and communication technology or smart function.
Secondary keywords: wardrobe furniture;construction;design;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: X, 60 f., [38] f. pril.
ID: 11229758