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Anja Blažič (Author), Uroš Petrovič (Reviewer), Jerneja Ambrožič (Mentor), Urška Kamenšek (Co-mentor)


Antiangiogena terapija spada med žilno ciljane terapije, ker omogoča lokalno ciljanje različnih tarč v tumorskem žilju, med katere spadata tudi gena Eng (endoglin) – CD105 in Mcam (celična adhezijska molekula melanoma) – CD146. Eden izmed načinov utišanja prekomerno izraženih genov je s tehnologijo RNAi (small interfering RNA, RNA interferenco), vendar je za dolgotrajnejšo učinkovitost bolj smiselna dostava molekule shRNA (kratka lasnična molekula RNA) na plazmidih. Namen naloge je bila priprava plazmida za utišanje izražanja genov CD105 in CD146, brez gena za odpornost proti antibiotiku, za uporabo v antiangiogeni terapiji raka. Z metodami molekulskega kloniranja smo uspešno pripravili plazmid brez gena za odpornost. Plazmid smo s transfekcijo vstavili v celice in dokazali uspešnost utišanja obeh tarčnih genov z metodo RT-PCR - verižna reakcija s polimerazo v realnem času. Gena za odpornost smo odstranili s tehnologijo ORT - operator supresorska titracija in tako zagotovili varnost po standardu regulatornih agencij. Funkcionalnost plazmida brez gena za odpornost se ohrani ali celo poveča, in ne vpliva na zmanjšanje izražanja kloniranih genov. Dodatno smo s testom citotoksičnosti pokazali, kako vnos samega plazmida vpliva na preživetje tretiranih celic.


plazmidi;rekombinantni plazmid;zdravljenje raka;antiangiogena terapija raka;molekulsko kloniranje;molekula shRNA;tehnologija ORT;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Blažič ]
UDC: 602.6/.8:616-006:577.2
COBISS: 5101176 Link will open in a new window
Views: 709
Downloads: 225
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Construction of an antibiotic resistance-free plasmid for antiangiogenic cancer therapy
Secondary abstract: Antiangiogenic therapy is a vascular targeted therapy, allowing local targeting of different targets in the tumor, including genes Eng (endoglin) – CD105 and Mcan (melanoma cell adhesion molecule) – CD146. One way to silence excessively expressed genes is the use of RNAi (small interfering RNA) technology. Since RNAi is rather instable, delivery of the shRNA molecule (short hairpin RNA) on plasmids enables prolonged efficacy and is thus more reasonable. The aim of the present work was the construction a plasmid for silencing genes CD105 and CD146 in antiangiogenic cancer therapy, without antibiotic resistance genes. Using molecular cloning methods, including the ORT technology - operator repressor titration, we successfully prepared a resistance marker-free plasmid encoding two shRNA molecules for silencing CD105 and CD146. The plasmid was introduced into the cells by transfection. The successful silencing of two target genes was confirmed by using RT-PCR – real time polymerase chain reaction. The replacement of the resistance gene with the ORT technology ensures a higher safety level according to the standards of regulatory agencies. Marker-free plasmid functionality is maintained or has even increased and is not affected by the reduction in the expression of cloned genes. Additionally, a cytotoxicity assay was employed to demonstrate how the uptake of the plasmid itself affected the survival of the treated cells.
Secondary keywords: plasmids;recombinant plasmid;cancer treatment;anti-angiogenic therapy;molecular cloning;shRNA-molecule;ORT technology;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Študij mikrobiologije
Pages: XII, 44 f.
ID: 11230391