diplomsko delo
Anže Hribar (Author), Zdravko Praunseis (Mentor), Jože Košak (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo je bilo narejeno v sklopu projekta na področju robotskega varjenja za avtomobilsko industrijo zaradi zamenjave iztrošene varilne opreme. V avtomobilski industriji se uporaba robotov zelo povečuje. Tako v praksi kot v različnih kalkulacijah kaže, da se investicija v avtomatizacijo zelo hitro povrne. Roboti so v avtomobilski industriji eden izmed glavnih in nepogrešljivih virov s svojo natančnostjo, ponovljivostjo in hitrostjo varjenja. V avtomobilski industriji pa jih poleg varjenja uporabljamo tudi za barvanje in sestavo avtomobilov. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena varilna robotska celica, ki je bila proizvedena v podjetju YASKAWA Ristro d.o.o., varilnim robotom Yaskawa MA2010 in varilnim izvorom Fronius TPS 4000 CMT R. Oprema je v celoti last podjetja TPV d.o.o. Namen diplomske naloge je zamenjava iztrošene varilne opreme v podjetju TPV d.o.o. in jo nadomestiti z najsodobnejšo. S tem bi dosegli bolj stabilen proces, zmanjšati število izbrizgov, izboljšati uvarjenost in odstraniti prisotnost škaj po varjenju, ker ima posledice na slabšo oprijemljivost KTL laka. Po pridobitvi nove opreme bo naloga tudi prerazporeditev varilnih orodij po celotni varilni mizi in doseči ukinitev nepotrebnih menjav varilnih orodij in s tem povečati produktivnost.


varjenje;MIG/MAG varjenje;robotska varilna celica;tehnologija CMT;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FE - Faculty of Energetics
Publisher: [A. Hribar]
UDC: 621.791:007.52(043.2)
COBISS: 43073539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 687
Downloads: 55
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Implementation of welding tools on a new robotic cell for MAG welding
Secondary abstract: In my diploma work thesis was done as part of a project in the field of robotic welding for the automotive industry to replace used and old welding equipment. In the automotive industry, the use of robots is increasing. Both in practice and the calculations show that the investment in automation is very quick to recover. Robots are one of the main and indispensable sources in the automotive industry with their precision, repeatability and welding speed. However, they are used for welding, painting and assembling cars. In my diploma work is presents a welding robotic cell manufactured at YASKAWA Ristro d.o.o., the Yaskawa MA2010 welding robot and welding source the Fronius TPS 4000 CMT R. All equipment are fully owned by TPV d.o.o. The purpose of the diploma work is to replace the old and used welding equipment and replace it with the best modern welding equipment to achieve a more stable process, to reduce the number of splatters and reduce any irregularities that may occur during welding. The purpose of the diploma work is also to avoid implementation unnecessary replacement welding tools and increase productivity.
Secondary keywords: welding;MIG/MAG welding;robotic welding cell;CMT technology;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za energetiko
Pages: XII, 57 f.
ID: 11231678
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