magistrsko delo
Kaja Kapun (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Spletnih trgovin je na internetu ogromno. Skoraj vsaka fizična trgovina že ima svoje spletno mesto s katerim predstavi svoje podjetje, svoje izdelke in storitve, ki jih ponuja. Na tak način se predstavi na spletu in si povečuje svojo prepoznavnost. S tem se začne digitalni marketing. S količino spletnih trgovin se veča tudi konkurenca na spletnem trgu, kar pomeni, da se moramo potruditi, če želimo biti uspešni. To kar je danes pomembno pri spletnem poslovanju morda čez mesec dni več ne bo, zato moramo kar se da ažurno spremljati trg in trende ter svoje delovanje in ponudbo prilagoditi v skladu s takratnim povpraševanjem. Pri spletnih trgovinah moramo biti pozorni, da so spletne strani pravilne oblike, da spletna trgovina izgleda kar se da privlačno in da ima kvalitetno vsebino. Pomembna je tudi optimizacija spletnega mesta, s katero se izboljšuje pozicioniranje na iskalnikih. Ne smemo pozabiti tudi na dobre odnose s strankami in obojestransko komunikacijo. Pri tem nam lahko v največji meri pomagajo družbena omrežja, s katerimi si povečujemo prepoznavnost in ohranjamo stik s potencialnimi in obstoječimi strankami. V magistrskem delu smo opredelili digitalni marketing in njegove rešitve. Opisali smo uvajanje rešitev digitalnega marketinga in na kakšen način spletne trgovine merijo uspešnost digitalnega marketinga. Predstavili smo komponente dobrega spletnega mesta in analizirali dve spletni trgovini z vidika oblike, vizualizacije, funkcionalnosti in njune dejavnosti na družbenih omrežjih.


digitalni marketing;spletna trgovina;spletne strani;optimizacija;uspešnost;informacijske rešitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Kapun]
UDC: 004.77:339.13
COBISS: 13462300 Link will open in a new window
Views: 900
Downloads: 150
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of digital marketing solutions on the performance of web stores
Secondary abstract: There are many online stores on the Internet. Almost every brick and mortar store already has their own website which represents their company, their products and the services they offer. In this fashion, companies introduce themselves online and increase their visibility. This is how digital marketing begins. The amount of online stores is also increasing the competition on the online market, which means that we must do our best in order to be successful. What is important today in online business may be outdated in a month, so we have to closely monitor the market and the market trends and adapt our work and offerings according to the demands at that time. When building online stores, we have to pay close attention to the websites' format, that it looks as attractive as possible, and that its content is of good quality. Website optimization is also important in order to improve the positioning of search engines. In addition, we must not forget good customer relations and communication. In order to succeed in this, social networks can be our biggest assets since they increase our visibility and allow us to keep in touch with potential and existing customers. In this master's thesis, we defined digital marketing and solutions that pertain to the area. We have described the introduction of digital marketing solutions and how online stores measure its success. Additionally, we presented components of a good website and analyzed two websites taking into account their form, visualization, functionality, and their activities on social networks.
Secondary keywords: Digital marketing;web stores;digital marketing solutions;search engine optimization;search engine marketing;content marketing;e-mail marketing;key performance indicators;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 74 str.
ID: 11232453
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