diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Marina Majerič (Author), Marko Koščak (Mentor), Nejc Pozvek (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali območje občine Krško. Občino Krško zaznamujejo bogata naravna in kulturna dediščina ter zgodovinska preteklost. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo pregledali zakonske podlage, definirali pojma naravna vrednota in naravna dediščina, predstavili delitev zvrsti naravnih vrednot in zavarovana območja. Sledila je opredelitev pojmov geoturizem in trajnostni turizem, opisali smo upravljanje naravne dediščine v turizmu ter cilje trajnostnega turizma. V predstavitvi obravnavanega območja občine Krško smo se osredotočili na geografski položaj, naravne vrednote ter analizirali turistično ponudbo območja in vključevanje naravnih vrednot vanjo. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge smo kvantitativno in kvalitativno raziskovali prepoznavnost in pomembnost naravne dediščine, ozaveščenost širše in mnenje strokovne javnosti o vlogi in pomenu naravne dediščine v turistični ponudbi občine Krško in podali predloge za oblikovanje novih turističnih produktov. Na osnovi pridobljenih rezultatov smo predlagali ideje za izboljšavo oblikovanja inovativnih turističnih produktov, trženja, promocije in izobraževanja kadrov, z namenom, da bodo naše ugotovitve služile deležnikom v turizmu pri razvijanju turistične ponudbe.


naravna dediščina;Krško;narava;naravne vrednote;trajnost;turizem;trajnostni turizem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [M. Majerič]
UDC: 338.483.13:502(497.4 Krško)(043.2)
COBISS: 2048330067 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1178
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integration on natural heritage into the tourist offer in the municipality of Krško
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis we discussed the area of municipality Krško. Rich natural and cultural heritage and the historical past are all characterized in municipality Krško. Definiton of the phrase natural value and natural heritage, presentation of the devided kinds of natural values and safe areas have all been examined in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis. The phrases geotourism and continual tourism, description of the management of natural heritage in tourism and the goals of continual tourism are all desribed in the next part. We focused on the geographic standpoint, natural values and the analyzed touristic offer of the area with the included natural values are all presented in the description of the area of municipality Krško. We quantitatively and qualitatively researched the popularity and importance of natural heritage, awareness of the normal public and the opinion of the expert public of the role and meaning of natural heritage in the touristic offer of municipality Krško and the given suggestions for the creation of new touristic products are all researched in the empirical part of the diploma thesis. Based on the obtained results, we proposed ideas for improving the design of innovative tourism products, marketing, promotion and education of staff, with the intention, that our findings will serve tourism stakeholders in developing the tourist offer.
Secondary keywords: natural heritage;Krško;nature;natural values;sustainability;tourism;sustainable tourism;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Uni. v Mariboru, Fak. za turizem
Pages: 68, 25 str.
ID: 11232484