primer dnevnoinformativne oddaje 24UR
Mitja Godnič (Author), Igor Vobič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo raziskuje in analizira medijsko logiko na teoretskih temeljih prvotne definicije medijske logike avtorjev Altheide in Snow iz leta 1979 na sodobnem primeru posvajanja Facebooka kot novinarskega orodja in distribucijskega kanala v uredništvu televizijske dnevnoinformativne oddaje 24UR. Ugotavlja, kako to družbeno omrežje spreminja organizacijo dela, novinarske prakse in uredniške odločitve, kako se spreminjajo odnosi med novinarji in potrošniki novinarskih prispevkov in splošne navade uporabnikov pri potrošnji in soustvarjanju novic. Odkriva, kako medijska logika definira estetiko sodobnih novinarskih formatov in spreminja produkcijo in distribucijo novinarskih prispevkov oziroma natančneje videa kot osrednjega formata televizije. Pojasnjuje, kako vplivno je lahko družbeno omrežje Facebook pri transformaciji televizijskega novinarstva in kako se načini produkcije, distribucije in potrošnje novic na tem omrežju razlikujejo od načinov na televiziji. V teoretičnem okviru so opredeljeni in raziskani osnovni pojmi, ki se dotikajo medijske logike, digitalnega novinarstva in družbenih omrežij. Opredelitvi pojmov sledi kontekstualna umestitev teoretske osnove na obstoječem stanju medijske logike internetnih medijev, uredništva 24UR in Facebooka. Teoretične opredelitve in kontekstualni pregled so podkrepljeni z raziskavo v empiričnem delu naloge. Ta je sestavljen iz pregleda objav na Facebook strani dnevnoinformativne oddaje 24UR in analize treh poglobljenih intervjujev.


televizijsko novinarstvo;digitalno novinarstvo;Facebook;Novinarstvo;Televizija;Družbena omrežja;Digitalizacija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Godnič]
UDC: 070:316.472.4(043.2)
COBISS: 36415069 Link will open in a new window
Views: 481
Downloads: 197
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Transforming television journalism in the age of social media: case study of the 24UR daily news programme
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis explores and analyzes media logic in the context of adopting Facebook as a journalistic tool and distribution channel at the 24UR television news program’s newsroom. It is based on the theoretical foundations of the original definition of media logic by Altheide and Snow in 1979. It aims to define how this social network is changing the organization of work, the journalistic practices and editorial decisions; how relationships between journalists and users on Facebook are changing; and how user habits are changing in light of news consumption on Facebook. It reveals how media logic defines the aesthetics of todays' journalistic formats, thus changing the production and distribution of video, which has established itself as the main television format. It explains how influential Facebook can be in transforming television journalism, and how the ways of production, distribution and consumption of news on this social network differ from those on television. The theoretical framework defines and explores the basic concepts of media logic, digital journalism and social networks. This is followed by the contextual framework for the current state of media logic in digital media, the 24UR newsroom and Facebook. The theoretical definitions and contextual review are supported by research in the empirical part of the thesis, which comprises a review of posts on the 24UR Facebook page and an analysis of three in-depth interviews.
Secondary keywords: Journalism;Television;Social networks;Digitization;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 104 str.
ID: 11232981
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