magistrsko delo
Nika Pavlec (Author), Igor Paušič (Mentor)


S pomočjo klasične morfometrije cvetov in ob uporabi multivariantnih statističnih metod smo analizirali cvetove petih taksonov iz oblikovnega kroga čmrljelikega mačjega ušesa (Ophrys holosericea agg.). Morfološko smo ovrednotili cvetove tipske podvrste (O. holosericea s.s.) in jih primerjali s taksoni: O. holosericea subsp. untchjii, O. holosericea subsp. medea, O. cf. serotina in O. holosericea subsp. tetraloniae. Območje raziskave zajema področja Slovenije in Hrvaške. Analizirali smo cvetove iz 18 lokacij. Korelacijski testi so bili izvedeni na podlagi 19 bioklimatskih spremenljivk in prve glavne morfološke komponente. Rezultati so pokazali, da devet bioklimatskih spremenljivk statistično značilno vpliva na velikost in obliko cvetov. Dokazali smo, da na opazovane morfološke znake cvetov, ki se uporabljajo za razlikovanje taksonov Ophrys holosericea, vplivajo lokalne podnebne razmere. Pokazali smo tudi, kako težko je razmejiti taksone na podlagi 19 morfoloških znakov cvetov. Prav zato bi morali pri določanju taksonov iz rodu Ophrys upoštevati ekološke pogoje posameznih lokacij.


magistrska dela;Ophrys holosericea;Jugovzhodna Evropa;morfometrija;podnebje;klinalna variabilnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [N. Pavlec]
UDC: 582.991.1(043.2)
COBISS: 24940808 Link will open in a new window
Views: 916
Downloads: 133
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Taxonomic-morphological analysis of bee orchids from the Ophrys holosericea agg. in Slovenia, Istria and the Quarnero
Secondary abstract: With the use of classical flower morphometry we used multivariate statistical methods to analyze the flowers of five taxa from the Ophrys holosericea complex. We morphologically evaluated the flowers of the nominate form (O. holosericea s.s.) and compared them with taxa: O. holosericea subsp. untchjii, O. holosericea subsp. medea, O. cf. serotina in O. holosericea subsp. tetraloniae. The study area chosen covers the areas of Slovenia and Croatia. Altogether, 18 locations were analized. Correlation tests were performed based on 19 bioclimatic variables and the first major morphological component. The results showed that nine bioclimatic variables have a statistically significant correlation with the flower form. We proved that the observed floral characters used to differentiate taxa in the Ophrys holosericea complex are affected by local climatic conditions. We also showed how difficult it is to differentiate taxa based on 19 floral morfphological charactes. Ecological conditions of the individual sites should be considered and taken into account when determening the taxa in the genus Ophrys.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Ophrys holosericea;South-eastern Europe;traditional morphometrics;local climate;clinal variability;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: XIV, 70 str.
ID: 11233210