magistrsko diplomsko delo
Daška Levstik (Author), Vasilka Sancin (Mentor)


Kemično orožje se je kot sredstvo za bojevanje uporabljalo skozi celotno človeško zgodovino. Z njegovo uporabo so nasprotniki želeli premagati drug drugega, povzročiti trpljenje in čim večje število smrtnih žrtev na nasprotnikovi strani. Danes mednarodna skupnost šteje kemično orožje, poleg jedrskega in biološkega, kot orožje za množično uničevanje. Uporaba kemičnega orožja povzroči grozovite in uničujoče posledice, tako za ljudi, kot tudi okolje. Mednarodna skupnost je že zelo zgodaj začela omejevati in obsojati uporabo kemičnega orožja. V okviru prizadevanj omejitev in prepovedi uporabe kemičnega orožja, so nastali številni mednarodnopravni dokumenti. Najbolj celovit in učinkovit pristop na tem področju je bil dosežen s sprejetjem Konvencije o kemičnem orožju leta 1993. Konvencija jasno prepoveduje uporabo, razvoj, proizvodnjo in kopičenje zalog kemičnega orožja. Kljub jasni mednarodnopravni ureditvi, še vedno zasledimo kršitve s strani držav. Do domnevne uporabe kemičnega orožja in kršitve mednarodnopravne prepovedi naj bi prišlo v Siriji, ki je septembra 2013 pristopila h Konvenciji o kemičnem orožju. V magistrskem diplomskem delu se osredotočim na mednarodnopravno ureditev kemičnega orožja in njegovo uporabo v sirskem konfliktu ter uničenju sirskih zalog kemičnega orožja. Pozornost namenim tudi ureditvi Organizacije za prepoved kemičnega orožja (OPCW) in njeni vlogi pri uničenju zalog kemičnega orožja.


kemično orožje;mednarodno pravo oboroženih spopadov;Sirija;načelo R2P;Organizacija za prepoved kemičnega orožja (opcw);magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [D. Levstik]
UDC: 341(043.2)
COBISS: 16973649 Link will open in a new window
Views: 775
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Prohibition of the use of chemical weapons under international law, and armed conflicts in Syria.
Secondary abstract: Throughout history, we find examples of chemical weapons being used as warfare agents. By using chemical weapons, opponents were trying to defeat one another by causing suffering and as many casualties as possible. In addition to nuclear and biological weapons, nowadays chemical weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the international community. The use of chemical weapons provokes horrendous and devastating effects for both people and the environment. At a very early stage, the international community began limiting and condemning the use of chemical weapons. Numerous documents of international law were created in order to try and limit, as well as prohibit, the use of chemical weapons. The most comprehensive and effective approach in this field was achieved through the adoption of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1993 which clearly prohibits the use, development, production, and stockpiling of chemical weapons. Despite the fact that the sphere of chemical weapons is clearly governed by rules of international law, some countries are still breaching these rules: in Syria, for example, the alleged use of chemical weapons and a breach of the international prohibition are suspected. In September 2013, Syria acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention. In my Master’s thesis, I am focussing on the rules of international law that relate to chemical weapons, the use of said weapons in the conflict in Syria, and the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons stockpiles, while also considering the arrangement of the OPCW and its role in connection with the destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles.
Secondary keywords: chemical weapons;international law of armed conflict;Syria;r2p principle;Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (opcw);
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: VIII, 49 f.
ID: 11233661