magistrsko delo


Kljub temu da je minilo že skoraj trideset let, odkar je Jugoslavija razpadla, je spomin na nekdanjo skupno državo, in s tem povezana nostalgija, še živ. Njen duh še vedno lahko čutimo na različnih področjih popularne kulture, eno izmed teh pa je prav gotovo tudi svetovni splet. Ta s svojo vsestranskostjo in nenehnim spreminjanjem omogoča vedno nove načine uporabe. Zanimiv fenomen spleta ostajajo memi in z njimi povezani načini sporazumevanja ter povezovanja posameznikov. Memi lahko nastopajo kot koncepti, dejavnosti, fraze, ki se kot humoristični vložki širijo med uporabniki. Meme in humor, ki ga skrivajo, lahko prepoznavamo kot drobne povzetke družbenih diskurzov, ki so relativno enostavni za proučevanje, saj že vsebujejo neko strnjeno obliko diskurzov. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kakšen humor se pojavlja v tako imenovanih jugoslovanskih memih. To smo izvedeli s pomočjo semiološke analize raznovrstnih memov. Pri analiziranju in raziskovanju nam je pomagala semiologija, ki se ukvarja s preučevanjem razmerja med znaki, označenci in označevalci. Ugotovitev, do katere smo z analizo prišli, je, da lahko humor v memih o Jugoslaviji razdelimo v štiri skupine. Prve vrste humor, ki se pojavlja, se nanaša na Josipa Borza Tita, sledi mu humor s temo jugonostalgije. Tretja in četrta skupina humorja v memih o Jugoslaviji pa predstavljata nekdanjo skupno državo in razpad Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije.


memi;politični humor;Humor;Nostalgija;Semiotika;Jugoslavija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [N. A. Karlovčec]
UDC: 316.7:81'22(043.2)
COBISS: 36412509 Link will open in a new window
Views: 610
Downloads: 161
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The politicality of humor through memes about Yugoslavia
Secondary abstract: Despite the fact that is has been almost thirty years since Yugoslavia collapsed, the memory of the former common state, and the associated nostalgia, is still alive. Its spirit can be felt in various areas of popular culture, one of which is certainly the Internet. Internet with its versatility and constant change always offers new types of usage. An interesting phenomenon of the Internet remains the meme and its power of communicating and connecting individuals. Memes can act as concepts, activities, phrases that spread as humorous inputs between users. Memes and the humor they hide can be recognized as tiny summaries of social discourses, which as such are relatively easy to study, since they already contain some condensed form of discourse. The aim of the master thesis was to find out what kind of humor is appearing in so-called Yugoslav memes. This was done by means of semiological analysis of the various memes. Semiology, which deals with the study of the relationship between signs, signifier, and signified, has thus helped us in analyzing and researching. The conclusion we came to with the help of the analysis is that humor in memes about Yugoslavia can be devidev into four groups. The first kind of humor that apperars is tied to Joseph Broz Tito, followed by humor with a Yugonostalgic theme. The third and fourth groups of humor in memes abour Yugoslavia represent the former common state and the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Secondary keywords: Humor;Nostalgia;Semiotics;Yugoslavia;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 64 str.
ID: 11233678
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