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Gašper Ogrin (Author), Andrej Rozman (Mentor), Matevž Mihelič (Co-mentor)


V gozdovih GE Zaplana so bile v mesecu avgustu opravljene meritve s ciljem testiranja fitocenoz, kot osnove za ugotavljanje občutljivosti tal na vožnjo z gozdno mehanizacijo. Na vzorčni liniji, dolgi skoraj 14 km, je bilo opravljenih 90 meritev. Izvajanje meritev je potekalo na grajenih in negrajenih gozdnih vlakah ter sečnih poteh in pobegih, na podlagi naslednjih kriterijev: globina kolesnic, širina prometnice, naklon prometnice, kamnitost, prisotnost korenin in kategorija prometnice. Meritve so potekale v štirih osnovnih fitocenoloških enotah: Omphalodo-Fagetum (OF), Blechno-Fagetum (BF), Galio Rotundifolii-Abietetum (GA) in Hacquetio-Fagetum (HF). S statistično analizo je bila potrjena hipoteza, da ni statistično značilnih razlik v globini kolesnic med posameznimi fitocenološkimi enotami. Najgloblje kolesnice sicer nastajajo na grajenih vlakah (7,0 cm), sledijo negrajene gozdne vlake (5,8 cm) ter sečne poti in pobegi (1,9 cm). Ugotovitve nakazujejo tudi na dejstvo, da se z večanjem naklona prometnic povečujejo globine kolesnic. Primernost fitocenoloških enot, kot osnovnega elementa pri ugotavljanju občutljivosti gozdnih tal, ni bilo mogoče dokončno niti potrditi niti zavreči. Za nedvoumno ovrednotenje te hipoteze bi potrebovali večje število meritev v več fitocenoloških enotah.


občutljivost tal;fitocenoza;globina kolesnic;pridobivanje lesa;gozdna tla;Zaplana;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [G. Ogrin]
UDC: 630*18:630*114:630*463(497.4Zaplana)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 5498022 Link will open in a new window
Views: 734
Downloads: 185
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determining the sensitivity of forest soils to disturbances due to logging activities in the forest management unit Zaplana
Secondary abstract: In the forests of GE Zaplana, measurements were taken in August with the aim of testing phytocenoses, as the basic unit for determining soil susceptibility to mechanized forest logging. On a sample trail nearly 14 km long, 90 measurements were taken, which took place on paved and unpaved logging trails and skid trails followed the following criteria: tyre track depth, trail width, trail slope, amount of rock present, presence of roots and road category. Measurements were taken in four basic phytosociological units: OmphalodoFagetum (OF), Blechno-Fagetum (BF), Galio Rotundifolii-Abietetum (GA) in HacquetioFagetum (HF). Using statistical anlayses we accepted our hypothesis, which predicted that there would be no significant difference in tyre track depth between the four individual phytosociological units. The deepest tracks were found on paved trails (7,0 cm), then on unpaved logging trails (5,8 cm), with the shallowest tracks being found on skid trails (1,9 cm). Our findings suggest that as the trail slope increases, so does the track depth. However we were not able to confirm the suitability of individual phytosociological units for measuring the susceptibility of soil. In order to accept the hypothesis with absolute confidence, a larger sample size with more measurements in various phytosocioligical units would be required.
Secondary keywords: soil susceptibility;phytocenoses;tyre track depth;forest harvesting;forest soil;Zaplana;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: VII, 32 f.
ID: 11233684