diplomsko delo
V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali koordinacijo gibanja pri dve-do triletnih otrocih. Merili smo koordinacijo gibanja celega telesa ter koordinacijo gibanja oči–roka. Koordinacijo gibanja celega telesa smo preverjali s poligonom 1 in poligonom 2, koordinacijo drobnih gibov pa z zlaganjem kock. Zanimalo nas je, ali so merski postopki zanesljivi, ali so med seboj povezani in ali obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v koordinaciji gibanja med deklicami in dečki.
Vzorec je zajemal 40 otrok, starih dve in tri leta, ki v popoldanskem času obiskujejo športno vadbo za predšolske otroke pri Športnem društvu Športni Junak. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 23 deklic in 17 dečkov.
Podatke smo obdelali s statističnim programom SPSS. S pomočjo SPSS smo uporabili različne metode obdelave podatkov. S Cronbachovim alfa koeficientom smo ocenili zanesljivost merskih postopkov. Vsi merski postopki so se izkazali za dovolj zanesljive. Povezanost med različnimi merskimi postopki smo analizirali s Pearsonovim koeficientom korelacije. Ugotovili smo, da sta merska postopka poligon 1 in poligon 2 statistično značilno povezana. Med ostalimi testi ni statistično značilne povezave.
Razlike med spoloma smo analizirali s t-testom. Kljub temu, da so deklice dva od treh merskih postopkov opravile hitreje kot dečki, med spoloma ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik.
šport;otroci;gibalni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;koordinacija gibanja;mlajši otroci;meritve;razlike v gibanju med spoloma;dečki;deklice;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport |
Publisher: |
[M. Krivograd] |
UDC: |
796.01-053.2 |
Views: |
591 |
Downloads: |
184 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the differences in coordination among two to three years old girls and boys. With this goal in mind, we created three measurment methods: poligon 1, poligon 2 and stacking cubes. With poligons 1 and 2 we measured the body coordination, and with stacking cubes we measured hand – eye coordination.
The sample consisted of 40 children aged two and three, who once a week attend gymnastics for pre-school children at the Sports Society Športni Junak; 23 of them were girls and 17 were boys.
The measured data was processed with the statistical program SPSS. For the reliability analysis we used Cronach's coefficient alpha. For calculating the differences in coordination among the girls and the boys we used the t-test for independent samples. Although there were small differences between the two genders, they are not statistically significant.
We used the Pearson Correlation Coefficient to define the correlation between the tests and found that poligon 1 and poligon 2 are statistically correlated. No other tests were statistically correlated. |
Secondary keywords: |
coordination;gender differences;two-and three-year-olds; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport |
ID: |
11234401 |