M. Sc. thesis
Tomaž Žižek (Author), Helena Grčman (Mentor), Rok Mihelič (Co-mentor)


Iz kurjega gnoja, čvrstega dela digestata ali prašičje gnojevke po mehanski separaciji, se lahko formulira tržno zanimivo gnojilo. Z uporabo navedenih treh osnovnih substratov, z dodatki biooglja in vermikulita za izboljšanje lastnosti gnojila ter zmanjšanje neprijetnih vonjav, smo naredili peletitrana organska gnojila. Najboljše lastnosti smo dobili pri mešanici kurjega gnoja in separata prašičje gnojevke. Ugotovili smo, da so bili vhodni substrati za peletiranje preveč vlažni in bi jih bilo potrebno predhodno dosušiti. Na podlagi modelnega scenarija smo dokazali, da je separacija učinkovit postopek, s katerim lahko naredimo hranilno bogato tržno organsko gnojilo ter tako odprodamo presežni del hranil iz intenzivne prašičerejske farme. V čvrsti del preide 25-35 %N, 55-65 %P in 20-30 %K. Posledično je v okolici farme potrebnih manj površin za gnojenje, zmanjšajo se stroški transporta in ob enem varujemo okolje. Zaradi velike vsebnosti rastlinskih hranil, predvsem fosforja, smejo biti odmerki takega gnojila razmeroma majhni, v povprečju do 2,5 t/ha letno, zato kljub veliki vsebnosti organske snovi (20 %C) tako gnojilo ni pomemben tvorec humusa v tleh.


organic fertilizers;slurry;digestate;separation;nutrient balance;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Žižek]
UDC: 631.862(043.2)
COBISS: 9315961 Link will open in a new window
Views: 778
Downloads: 223
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Formulating of organic fertilizers from slurry or digestate
Secondary abstract: Marketable fertilizer may be formulated from chicken manure, solid digestate or pig slurry after mechanical separation. Using the above three basic substrates with biochar and vermiculite additives to improve fertilizer properties and reduce odors, we make pelletized organic fertilizers. The best properties were obtained with a mixture of chicken manure and separated pig slurry. We found that the input pelletizing substrates were too moist and would need to be pre-dried. Based on the model scenario, we proved that separation is an efficient process by which 25-35 % N, 55-65 % P and 20-30 % K pass into the solid part, and a nutrient-rich marketable organic fertilizer can be made. By selling such fertilizer the excess off nutrients would be removed from an intensive pig farm. As a result, less fertilizing areas around a farm are needed, transport costs are reduced and the environment is protected at the same time. Due to high content of plant nutrients, especially phosphate, the dosages of such fertilizer may be relatively small, averaging up to 2.5 t/ha annually, so despite the high organic matter content (20 % C), such fertilizer is not a significant soil humus producer.
Secondary keywords: organska gnojila;gnojevka;digestat;separacija;bilanca hranil;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: X, 49 f.
ID: 11234993