primer begunske krize leta 2015
Iris Ivaniš (Author), Marko Lovec (Mentor)


Čeprav zadnja in ena največjih begunskih kriz v Evropi zlagoma pojenja, je vsekakor razkrila številne temeljne težave v Evropski uniji (EU) in njenih članicah. Razsežnost in moč begunske krize iz leta 2015 je na preizkus postavila mednarodne sisteme za zaščito beguncev in njihovo učinkovitost pri minimalizaciji posledic krize. Zavoljo tega pričujoče delo naslavlja enega izmed glavnih izzivov, s katerim se je spopadla mednarodna skupnost v zadnjih šestih letih: prevelik pritok beguncev in njegov vpliv na učinkovitost in delovanje mednarodnih sistemov begunske zaščite. Najbolj obsežni begunskih tokovi do zdaj, povečana kompleksnost režimov in pomanjkanje solidarnosti med vključenimi, so samo nekateri od faktorjev, ki so v veliki meri vplivali na potek krize v Evropi in na način njenega reševanja. Glavni doprinos te raziskave je možnost posplošitve njene analize – institucionalne in sistemske težave, ki so se pokazale med begunsko krizo, so v resnici obstajale že pred njo. Medtem ko je večina raziskav v povezavi z begunci osredotočena na omejene in specifične aspekte begunstva, pričujoča raziskava ponuja več možnosti za razširjeno uporabo izsledkov tudi na druga raziskovalna področja. Begunska kriza je samo vzvod, ki je povzročil zaporedje neuspešnih delitev bremen, neustrezne norme in pomanjkljive odločitve, ki se lahko nadaljujejo v katero koli drugo obliko krize in v drugačen sistem režimov.


Mednarodno pravo;Begunci;Zaščita pravic;Magistrska dela;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [I. Ivaniš]
UDC: 341.43(043.2)
COBISS: 36410205 Link will open in a new window
Views: 580
Downloads: 197
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Effectiveness of the international refugee protection regimes
Secondary abstract: Even though the most recent, and one of the greatest refugee crises in Europe is gradually ceasing, it has certainly revealed numerous underlying issues within the European Union (EU) and its Member States. The magnitude and the intensity of the 2015 refugee crisis put to test the international refugee protection regimes and their effectiveness to quickly neutralize the crisis. Having said that, this work will attempt to address one of the main challenges that had been faced by the international community in the last six years – the overwhelming influx of refugees, and its impact on the effectiveness and the functioning of international refugee protection regimes. Unprecedented scale of migrant flows, heightened regime complexity and lack of solidarity among involved actors are just some of the factors that have greatly impacted the course of the crisis in Europe, and the manner in which the crisis has been resolved. The main contribution of this research is the generalizability of this analysis – the institutional and systematic issues that have been revealed throughout the refugee crisis have been around before the crisis itself. Whereas the focus of most refugee crisis-related research is on the narrowed-down, refugee-specific aspects, this research leaves more space for widespread application of findings to other fields of research. The refugee crisis is only the spark, which has caused the perfect storm of failed burden-sharing, normative flaws and flawed decision-making, all of which can transcend into any other form of crisis, and another system of regimes.
Secondary keywords: sistemi za zaščito beguncev;begunska kriza;kompleksnost režimov;delitev bremen;International law;Refugees;Protection of rights;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 73 str.
ID: 11234997
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