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Marjan Kuder (Author), Nina Kacjan-Maršić (Mentor)


Zaradi povečanega povpraševanja po lokalnih in udomačenih sortah vrtnin v zadnjih letih, se je povečalo tudi njihovo pridelovanje. Vendar pa so količine pridelka udomačenih oz. lokalnih sort praviloma nižje od hibridnih sort. Zato smo se v našem poskusu odločili cepiti dve udomačeni sorti, ki smo jih primerjali z dvema hibridnima sortama, ki sta nam služili kot primerjava. Uporabili smo sorte 'Šorokšari', 'Botinska rumena', 'Joker F1' in 'Kaptur F1', ki smo jih cepili na isto podlago ('Rocal F1'), ki je odporna na talne bolezni in škodljivce. Je tudi tolerantnejša na sušni in toplotni stres. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo ali se s cepljenjem udomačenih oz. lokalnih sort paprik na podlago, da pridelati dovolj velik, kvaliteten in kakovosten pridelek. Poskus smo zasnovali v treh ponovitvah (blokih), kjer je bilo 6 obravnavanj (3 sorte, 2 tehniki (cepljene/necepljene sadike)). Med 4. 7. 2018 in 3. 10. 2018 smo opravili devet pobiranj tehnološko zrelih plodov. Ugotovili smo, da so imele cepljene rastline pri vseh treh sortah manjši pridelek, za 30 % sorta 'Šorokšari', 43 % sorta 'Joker F1' in 58 % sorta 'Kaptur F1', od pridelka necepljenih rastlin. Največji pridelek, izražen v t/ha, smo ugotovili za necepljene rastline sorte 'Kaptur F1' (101,6 t/ha), sledi sorta 'Joker F1' (83,2 t/ha), in sorta 'Šorokšari' (69,6 t/ha). Cepljenje ni imelo pomembnega vpliva na lastnosti plodov, plodovi cepljenih rastlin so bili pri vseh treh sortah lažji, ožji in s tanjšo debelino perikarpa. Plodovi cepljenih in necepljenih rastlin se niso bistveno razlikovali v vsebnosti topne suhe snovi, vsebnost suhe snovi pa je bila večja v plodovih cepljenih rastlin.


paprika;ceplenje;Capsicum annuum;sorte;hibridi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Kuder]
UDC: 633.842:631.526.32:631.541(043.2)
COBISS: 9314681 Link will open in a new window
Views: 532
Downloads: 119
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cultivation of domesticated and hybrid varieties of grafted bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)
Secondary abstract: Growing demand for local and domesticated varieties of vegetables has increased in recent years. However, the yield of domesticated varieties are generally lower than with hybrid varieties. Therefore, we decided to graft two domesticated variety, which was compared with the yield of two hybrid varieties, that served as standard. We used the varieties 'Šorokšari', 'Botinska rumena', 'Joker F1' and 'Kaptur F1', which we grafted on the same rootstock ('Rocal F1'), which is resistant to soil diseases and pests and more tolerant of stress connected with drought and heat. The study focused on the question if the grafting of domesticated variety on a rootstock can produce high and good enough yield as grafted hybrid varieties. The experiment was designed in three replicates (blocks) with 6 treatments (3 varieties, 2 techniques (grafted/ungrafted seedlings)). Among 4. 7. 2018 and 3. 10. 2018 we have done nine harvests of ripe fruits. Results showed that the yield of grafted plants of all three varieties was lower, for 30 % at 'Šorokšari', 43 % at 'Joker F1' and 58 % at 'Kaptur F1', compared to ungrafted plants. The highest yield, expressed in t/ha, was found for ungrafted plants of the variety 'Kaptur F1' (101.6 t / ha), followed by variety 'Joker F1' (83.2 t / ha), and variety 'Šorokšari' (69.6 t/ha). Grafting not have a significant effect on the fruit properties, the fruits of the grafted plants were lighter, narrower and with a thinner pericarp thickness in all three varieties. The fruits of grafted and non-grafted plants did not differ significantly in the content of total soluble substances, and the dry matter content was higher in the fruits of grafted plants.
Secondary keywords: pepper;grafting;Capsicum annuum;varieties;hybrids;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VII, 29, [1] f.
ID: 11235632