diplomsko delo
Uvod: Ravnotežje je sposobnost vzdrževanja stabilne drže med mirno stojo, stanjem z motnjami ali zavestnim gibanjem. Za vzdrževanje ravnotežja mora osrednje živčevje usklajevati informacije iz različnih senzoričnih sistemov. Obogaten priliv iz somatosenzoričnega sistema lahko olajša uravnavanje drže in ravnotežja. Ena od možnosti dodajanja senzoričnega priliva je tudi transkutana električna živčna stimulacija. Namen: Ugotoviti, ali transkutana električna živčna stimulacija (TENS) vpliva na zmanjšanje gibanja središčnega pritiska med mirno stojo v štirih senzoričnih pogojih. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 20 preiskovancev, starih od 60 do 83 let. Testirali smo stojo na pritiskovni plošči, ob čemer je imel preiskovanec stopala skupaj. Na oba spodnja uda smo namestili tudi samolepilne elektrode, in sicer na baze metatarzal in zadnjo stran goleni, pod podkolensko jamico. Testiranje smo opravili v štirih različnih pogojih senzoričnega priliva: odprte oči brez električne stimulacije, odprte oči z električno stimulacijo, zaprte oči brez električne stimulacije, zaprte oči z električno stimulacijo. Analizirali smo naslednje spremenljivke: hitrost gibanja središčnega pritiska, pot, ki jo opravi središče v mediolateralni in anteroposteriorni smeri, ploščino, izračunano z metodo Fourierjeve analize obrisa, in ploščino, izračunano z metodo lastnih vrednosti kovariančne matrike. Rezultati: Med meritvami z odprtimi in zaprtimi očmi so bile statistično pomembne razlike pri vseh opazovanih spremenljivkah. Pri primerjavi gibanja središča pritiska pri odprtih očeh je bila ena spremenljivka (površina PCA) pomembno manjša pri meritvah s transkutano električno živčno stimulacijo, ena spremenljivka pa je dosegla mejno vrednost statistično pomembnega zmanjšanja hitrosti gibanja središča pritiska. Ostale štiri spremenljivke niso pokazale razlike med meritvami brez ali s transkutano električno živčno stimulacijo. Pri meritvah z zaprtimi očmi ni bilo pomembnih razlik med rezultati brez in s transkutano električno živčno stimulacijo za vse opazovane spremenljivke. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da transkutana električna živčna stimulacija ne prispeva pomembno pri nadzoru drže starejših odraslih.
diplomska dela;fizioterapija;ravnotežje;TENS;stabilometrija;starejši odrasli;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[L. Merzelj] |
UDC: |
615.8 |
Views: |
604 |
Downloads: |
224 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on movement of centre of pressure at standstill in older adults |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Balance is an ability of maintaining stable posture at standstill at disturbed standing or at conscious movement. The central nervous system must synchronise information from various sensory systems in order to keep the balance. A rich somatosensory input can contribute to maintaining posture and balance. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation belongs to one of these options of adding sensory inputs.
Purpose: To examine if the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) affects the movement reduction of the centre of pressure at standstill in four sensory conditions.
Methods: A group of 20 older adults, aged 60 to 83, participated in the research. Tested was their stance on a foam pad with feet together. Self-adhesive electrodes were placed on both lower limbs, on the metatarsal base and the back side of the shank, under the knee. Tests were performed in four different conditions of sensory input: with eyes open and without electrical stimulation; with eyes open and with electrical stimulation; with eyes closed and without electrical stimulation; with eyes closed and with electrical stimulation. The following variables were analysed: movement speed of the centre of pressure; centre’s path in mediolateral and anteroposterior direction; area, calculated through Human Silhouette Recognition with Fourier Descriptors; and the area, calculated through the method of auto-covariance matrix.
Results: Statistically significant differences were obtained in all observed variables of measurements with both, eyes closed and eyes open. One variable (PCA area) was significantly lower in measurements with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation when comparing movement speed of the centre of pressure in eyes open, and one variable was borderline significant in speed reduction of the centre of pressure. There were no statistically significant differences in other four variables comparing measurements with or without transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation . No significant differences were found in measurements with and without transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation having eyes closed.
Discussion and conclusion: Based on the gained results, it can be concluded that transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation does not significantly contribute to the posture control of older adults. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;physiotherapy;balance;TENS;stabilometric;older adults; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo |
Pages: |
27 str. |
ID: |
11235635 |