magistrsko delo


Magistrsko delo obsega analizo prometne dostopnosti v Občini Šentjur s pomočjo geografskega informacijskega sistema ArcGIS. Osrednji del magistrskega dela je gradnja prostorske podatkovne baze cestne infrastrukture v Občini Šentjur. Prostorski podatki so dopolnjeni z informacijami o omejitvah hitrosti, ki smo jih pridobili s terenskim popisom in s pomočjo orodja Google Street View. Z računalniškim orodjem SANET in ESRI podatkovne baze smo izračunali poligone dostopnosti do izbranih točk zanimanja oziroma t. i. POI (izobraževalne ustanove, knjižnice, muzeji, trgovine, zdravstvene ustanove, pošte, banke, rekreacijske površine, gasilski domovi ...). Končne karte prometne dostopnosti do vseh izbranih POI v treh časovnih intervalih (5, 10 in 15 minut) prikazujejo območja z najboljšo prometno dostopnostjo v občini. Z večanjem časovnega intervala se večajo tudi poligoni dostopnosti do obravnavanih POI. Pridobljene rezultate smo oblikovali v IKT učno gradivo za pouk geografije v osnovni šoli. Učni uri, ki smo jih izvedli na osnovni šoli, sta pokazali pozitiven, a različen odziv učencev in učenk 8. in 9. razredov na obravnavano snov s pomočjo pripravljenega interaktivnega gradiva na podlagi prostorske analize prometne dostopnosti.


magistrska dela;prometna dostopnost;promet;Šentjur;geografski informacijski sistemi;informacijska komunikacijska tehnologija;prometna infrastruktura;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Brezovšek]
UDC: 911.3:659.2:004(497.4Šentjur)(043.2)
COBISS: 24971016 Link will open in a new window
Views: 713
Downloads: 78
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The evaluation of traffic accessibility in the municipality of Šentjur with geographic information systems
Secondary abstract: The Master's Thesis covers the analysis of traffic accessibility in the municipality Šentjur with the help of the geographical information system ArcGIS. The focal part of the thesis includes the construction of a spatial database of road infrastructure in the municipality Šentjur. The spatial data are extended with speed limits information, which we obtained through a field survey and with the help of the tool Google Street View. Using the computer tool SANET and the ESRI data base, we calculated the ranges of accessibility to selected points of interest, or POI (educational institutions, libraries, museums, shops, health institutions, posts, banks, recreational areas, fire departments etc.). The final maps of traffic accessibility to all selected POIs in three time intervals (5, 10 and 15 minutes) show areas with the best traffic accessibility in the municipality. As the time interval increases, the ranges of accessibility to the POIs under consideration increase as well. The acquired results were formulated into ICT teaching material for geography lessons in primary schools. In the two lessons I carried out at a primary school, the 8th and 9th Grade students showed a positive, yet varying response to the discussed subject matter using the prepared interactive materials, based on the spatial analysis of the traffic accessibility.
Secondary keywords: master theses;traffic accessibility;Šentjur;geographical information system;Information and communications technology;traffic infrastructure;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: I, 50 str.
ID: 11236151