diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Tina Plemelj (Author), Danijela Frangež (Mentor), Robert Praček (Co-mentor)


Maja 2013 je Cody Wilson, ustanovitelj podjetja Defense Distributed, pripravil načrte strelnega orožja pod imenom Liberator. Kar Liberatorja loči od klasičnega orožja je, da je izdelan iz polimera (plastike) in ga proizvaja 3D tiskalnik. Izdelava take pištole je dosegljiva vsem, ki imajo dostop do te tehnologije. Ker je Liberator postal zelo priljubljen v prvih nekaj dneh, so ameriške oblasti Wilsonu zapovedale, naj umakne načrte Liberatorja z interneta, kar je kasneje tudi storil. Vendar se domneva, da so bile datoteke v prvih nekaj dneh prenesene približno 100.000 krat. Danes je še vedno mogoče najti datoteke na spletu. Takšne pištole so se pojavile med policijskimi preiskavami. Liberator je osnova, po kateri so nastale številne druge 3D natisnjene pištole. Natisnejo pa jih lahko običajni ljudje iz različnih delov sveta (Curtis, 2013). Države, kot so Združene države Amerike, Avstralija, Velika Britanija, Japonska itd., imajo težave pri preprečevanju nenadzorovanega izdelovanja 3D tiskanega orožja. Njihove zakonodaje niso dovolj natančno urejene. Skrbi pa jih tudi za varnost ljudi, saj se orožje lahko tiska nenadzorovano, posledično pa bi lahko prišel v roke ljudem, ki ga ne bi smeli imeti, kot so na primer teroristi, storilci drugih kaznivih dejanj, pa tudi najstniki in ljudje s psihičnimi motnjami itd. Države iščejo načine, kako bi problematiko lahko preprečile ali vsaj omejile (Blackman, 2013). V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno klasično in 3D natisnjeno orožje in njuna primerjava. Pregledali smo zakonodajo o orožju različnih držav ter opisali prednosti in slabosti 3D tiskanega orožja.


diplomske naloge;3D tiskanje;strelno orožje;3D natisnjeno orožje;Liberator;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [T. Plemelj]
UDC: 004.92:351.741(043.2)
COBISS: 3767530 Link will open in a new window
Views: 867
Downloads: 73
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: 3D printed weapons
Secondary abstract: In May 2013, Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed, made blueprints of a firearm under the name Liberator. What differentiates the Liberator from other firearms is that it is made from polymer plastic and manufactured with the use of a 3D printer. Any person with access to this technology can make one. Because the Liberator became so popular in the first few days, the American government commanded Wilson to remuve the blueprints from the internet, which he later did. However, it is estimated that about 100.000 people downloaded the files to make a gun and it is still posible to find those plans even today. These types of firearms were even included in police investigations. The Liberator is a foundation on which many more 3D printed firearms were constructed. They can be made by ordinary people across the globe (Curtis, 2013). Many countries today, such as the USA, Australia, Great Brittain and Japan etc. Face the problem of preventing manufacturing of 3D printed weapons. The laws on these topics aren't as specific as they should be. They are also worried fort he safety of the people, because these weapons can be printed uncontrollably and could get in the hands of people that shouldn't possess them, like criminals, terrorists or even teenagers and mentaly ill people. They are hastily trying to prevent this unlawful manufacturing or at least try to limit it (Blackman, 2013). In this thesis we had presented classical weapons and 3D printed ones and made a comparison between them, we also looked at the legislation concerning weapons in different countries. We described the pros and cons of 3D printed weapons.
Secondary keywords: 3D printing;firearms;3D printed weapons;Liberator;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: V, 34 str.
ID: 11236739
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