magistrsko delo
Luka Rajh (Author), Katja Tomažin (Reviewer), Aleš Dolenec (Consultant), Vojko Strojnik (Mentor)


Za bolečinami v križu (BVK) trpi okoli 40 % odraslega prebivalstva. BVK predstavlja kompleksen zdravstveni problem, saj ima 85 % bolnikov nespecifične bolečine (jih etiološko ne moremo pojasniti). Zato pomembno vlogo igra pritisk v trebušni votlini (PTV), saj povečan izboljša stabilnost ledvenega dela trupa. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je ocena izvedbe stabilizacije trupa pri nekaterih gibalnih nalogah, ki so povezane s prenašanjem težkih predmetov, in ugotavljanje obnašanja PTV in povezanosti z le-temi ter uporabnost merilne opornice za merjenje stranske trebušne sile (STS). 27 merjencev je izvedlo 7 različnih gibalnih nalog (največji PTV v pokončni stoji (STSma), doseganje največje izometrične sile dviga predmeta v višini popka ob telesu (Oma) in stran od telesa (Sma), dvig lažjega bremena s podlage v višini popka ob telesu (O10) in stran od telesa (S10), dvig težjega bremena s podlage v višini popka ob telesu (O50) in stran od telesa (S50)). Spremembe PTV so bile ocenjene s STS, začetek dviga pa s pomočjo razbremenitve tenziometrijske plošče. Zbrane rezultate smo statistično obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS 22 (IBM Corp, New York, ZDA). Rezultati niso pokazali razlik v spremembi PTV (oz. velikosti STS) pri dvigih bremen ob telesu in stran od telesa, na pritisk pa je vplivala velikost bremena (večje breme = večja STS). Primerjali smo odstotek uporabe PTV posameznikov in ugotovili, da nanj ne vpliva absolutna moč posameznika, ampak igra večjo vlogo pravilen mehanizem močnega pritiska. Rezultati so pokazali, da naprava za merjenje STS daje zanesljive rezultate, neodvisne od maščobne mase. To pomeni, da bi se lahko naprava uporabljala za učenje povečanja PTV, spremljanje mehanizma dviganja (učenje pravilnega dviganja) in služila kot manj invazivna alternativa senzorjev za znotrajtrebušno merjenje PTV.


šport;ledvena hrbtenica;mišice;stabilnost;anatomija;biomehanika;poškodbe;bolečine v križu;pritisk v trebušni votlini;stranska trebušna sila;gibalne naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [L. Rajh]
UDC: 796:611.711
COBISS: 5614257 Link will open in a new window
Views: 688
Downloads: 230
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stabilisation of lumbar spine during different motor tasks
Secondary abstract: Roughly about 40 % of adult population has experienced low back pain (LBP). LBP represents a complex public health problem, since 85 % of sufferers endure non-specific pain (pain of unknown etiology). Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) therefore plays an important role, since it, when elevated, improves stability of lumbar spine. Main purpose of this magister thesis is to estimate mechanism of stabilisation of lumbar spine during some motor tasks, connected to carrying heavy objects, and to evaluate IAP and its connection to these tasks and usefulness of measurement device for measuring lateral abdominal force (LAF). 27 subjects performed 6 different tasks (maximal IAP while standing upright (STSma), maximal deliberate isometric force while lifting object from navel height next to the body (Oma) and away from the body (Sma), lifting light object from navel height next to the body (O10) and away from the body (S10), lifting heavy object from navel height next to the body (O10) and away from the body (S10). Changes in IAP were estimated with help of LAF and the start time of lifting with tensiometric force plate. Results were statistically analysed with SPSS 22 program (IBM Corp, New York, USA). No statistically significant differences were found between IAP (or LAF) during lifting weights close and away of centre mass of the body, although size of weight influenced IAP (higher the weight, bigger the LAF). Percentage of IAP use between subjects was compared. It was concluded, that IAP is not influenced by absolute power of the subject but rather by correct mechanism of applied high pressure. It has been shown that LAF – measuring device produces reliable results, which are independent of subjects’ body fat percentage. It shows that device could be used for teaching IAP production, monitoring lifting mechanism and it could serve as non-invasive alternative for invasive intra-abdominal monitoring of IAP.
Secondary keywords: lateral abdominal force;intra-abdominal pressure;stabilisation of lumbar spine;lumbar spine;motor task;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 11237602