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Sabina Mlakar (Author), Maja Rupnik (Reviewer), Maša Vodovnik (Mentor), Sandra Janežič (Co-mentor)


Clostridium difficile je striktno anaerobna, paličasta, sporogena, toksigena črevesna bakterija, ki lahko povzroča širok spekter okužb od blage driske do psevdomembranoznega kolitisa, največkrat v bolnišničnem okolju. Epidemiološke raziskave so pokazale, da obstajajo alternativni rezervoarji bakterije, ki jih je potrebno raziskati. Namen naše naloge je bil ovrednotiti prisotnost in pogostnost pojavljanja bakterije C. difficile na podplatih obutve (čevlji, hišni copati) in blazinicah pasjih šap ter sklepati o potencialu prenosa spor C. difficile med domačim in zunanjim okoljem. Pri vsakem gospodinjstvu smo odvzeli bris pasjih šap, bris levega in desnega podplata čevlja posebej in bris obeh podplatov copat. Vzorce smo inkubirali v bogatitvenem gojišču BHIST, nato smo naredili alkoholni šok in C. difficile osamili na selektivnem kromogenem gojišču. Bakterija je bila prisotna v 14 izmed 20 testiranih gospodinjstev. Osamili smo jo iz 31 od skupaj 90 testiranih vzorcev. Skupaj smo osamili in okarakterizirali 465 izolatov. Te smo uvrstili v 13 različnih PCR-ribotipov in 3 toksinotipe. Najpogosteje smo C. difficile osamili iz podplatov čevljev (19/44). V štirih gospodinjstvih smo bakterijo osamili iz vseh testiranih površin. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da so podplati čevljev, hišni copati in blazinice pasjih šap možen vektor za raznos spor bakterije C. difficile v domačem okolju.


Clostridium difficile;vzorci pasjih šap;vzorci podplatov obutve;osamitev;molekularna karakterizacija;toksinotipizacija;PCR-ribotipizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S. Mlakar]
UDC: 579.852.13:613.5:577.2.083
COBISS: 5105528 Link will open in a new window
Views: 694
Downloads: 213
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Isolation and characterization of bacterium Clostridium difficile from dog paw pads and from footwear soles of dog owners
Secondary abstract: Clostridium difficile is strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped, spore-forming, toxigenic gut bacterium, which can cause a wide spectrum of diseases, from diarrhea to pseudomembranous colitis, mainly occurring in the hospital. Epidemiological studies showed that alternative reservoars of bacteria exists that needs to be explored. The purpose of the thesis was to evaluate the presence and freuqency of C. difficile on soles of footwear (shoes, slippers) and on dog paws, and if these surfaces serve as a potential route for dissemination of spores in domestic environment. Swabs were taken from dog paws, soles of slippers and from left and right shoe soles seperately. Samples were incubated in an enrichment broth BHIST, and subjected to alcohol shock. C. difficile was then isolated on chromogenic plates. Overall the bacterium was present in 14 of 20 households. We isolated the bacterium from 31 of the total of 90 samples. Altogether 465 isolates were characterized, which were distributed into 13 different PCR-ribotypes and 3 toxinotypes. Shoe soles had the highest percentage of positives samples (19/44). In four households the bacterium was found on all sampled surfaces. Our results demonstrated that soles of shoes, slippers and dog paws could serve as a potential vector for the dissemination of C. difficile spores in domestic environment.
Secondary keywords: Clostridium difficile;paw pad samples;footwear sole samples;isolation;molecular characterization;toxinotyping;PCR-ribotyping;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Študij mikrobiologije
Pages: X, 65 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 11237605