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Kemal Čandić (Author), Željko Vukelič (Mentor), Jurij Šporin (Co-mentor)


Obnovljive vire energije v današnjem svetu omenjamo, ko mislimo na čisti in dostopen energetski vir. Med takšne vire spada tudi plitva geotermalna energija, katera ima v Sloveniji velik potencial za ogrevanje, kot tudi za hlajenje objektov. Ta energija je shranjena v zemljini notranjosti v obliki toplote, kjer se preko vrtin uporablja za prenašanje toplote do globine 300m. Izkoriščanje toplotne energije delimo na dva geotermalna toplotna sistema, na zaprte in odprte geotermalne toplotne sisteme. V Sloveniji najbolj uporabljamo zaprte geotermalne toplotne sisteme, kjer toploto odvzemamo s tako imenovano geosondo, katera z delovanjem ne pride v kontakt z zemljino hribino zaradi zaprtega sistema in tako minimalno vplivamo na hidravlične in toplotne vplive zemljine notranjosti. Sistem deluje s pomočjo toplotne črpalke, ki skrbi za ogrevanje prostorov. V prvem delu so predstavljene osnove geotermalne energije, kot tudi plitve geotermalne energije in njenega potenciala. Namen je predstaviti plitvo geotermalno energijo in njeno izkoriščanje, ter prikazati ekološki vpliv na okolje. Opisano je tudi, katera slovenska območja imajo največji potencial za uporabo plitve geotermalne energije. V Sloveniji se plitva geotermalna energija večinoma uporablja za ogrevanje prostorov. Podane so tudi pomembne enačbe za računanje plitvega geotermalnega potenciala, kot tudi izračun grelnega števila in določanje sezonskega koeficienta učinkovitosti. Opisani so tudi geotehnološki parametri in izračuni za izvedbo zaprtega geotermalnega sistema z geosondo, katerega uporabljamo za ogrevanje enodružinske hiše.


plitva geotermalna energija;potencial plitve geotermalne energije;toplotna črpalka;geosonda;izkoriščanje geotermalne energije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [K. Čandić]
UDC: 622
COBISS: 1843551 Link will open in a new window
Views: 840
Downloads: 313
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: potential assessment of shallow geothermal energy in the area of private house construction
Secondary abstract: Renewable energy in today's world is referred to as a clean and accessible energy source. Renewable energy sources include shallow geothermal energy, which in Slovenia has great potential for heating as well as for cooling facilities. This energy is stored in the Earth's interior in the form of heat, where it is used through wells to carry heat up to a depth of 300m. Thermal energy utilization is divided into two geothermal thermal systems, closed and open geothermal systems. Closed geothermal thermal systems are the most widely used in Slovenia, where heat is extracted by the so-called geos probe, which does not come into contact with the Earth's hill due to the closed system and thus minimally affects the hydraulic and thermal influences of the Earth's interior. The system operates with the help of a heat pump that takes care of space heating. The first part presents the basics of geothermal energy, as well as shallow geothermal energy and its own potential. The purpose is to present shallow geothermal energy and its exploitation, and to demonstrate the ecological impact on the environment. There is also described which Slovenian territories has the most potential for using shallow geothermal energy. In Slovenia shallow geothermal energy is mostly used for space heating. Important equations for calculating shallow geothermal potential, as well as calculating the heating number and determining the seasonal coefficient of efficiency are also given. Also described are geotechnological parameters and calculations for the implementation of a closed geothermal system with a geos probe used for heating a single-family house.
Secondary keywords: shallow geothermal energy;shallow geothermal energy potential;heat pump;geos probe;geothermal energy utilization;
Type (COBISS): High school thesis
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak. , Odd. za geotehnologijo, rudarstvo in okolje
Pages: XI, 34 f.
ID: 11238023