magistrsko delo
Tjaša Sakaljšek (Author), Nastja Rogan (Mentor)


Onesnaženost tal s težkimi kovinami in polkovinami predstavlja veliko grožnjo obdelovalnim površinam, saj preko tal težke kovine in polkovine vstopajo v rastline ter nadalje v človeški prehranjevalni sistem. V magistrskem delu smo analizirali mineralne in geokemične lastnosti kamnin in tal na območju Podkuma ter tal na območju Trbovelj, v treh različnih velikostnih frakcijah (< 0,0633 mm; 0,125–0,315 mm; 0,315–2 mm). Kamnine in tla na območju Podkuma smo vzorčili na dveh različnih matičnih kamninah. Prvo predstavlja grödenska kamnina, in sicer kremenov peščenjak, drugo predstavlja dolomit skitijske stopnje. Mineralno sestavo vzorcev tal obeh območij predstavljajo: kremen, dolomit, kalcit, muskovit/illit, klorit, kaolinit in plagioklazi. Razlike so le v razmerjih med vsebnostmi posameznih mineralov. Enako mineralno sestavo imajo tudi vzorci tal na območju Trbovelj, ki so bili odvzeti na kamninah sosijske stopnje. Na obeh raziskovanih območjih se izmed glavnih oksidov v največjih količinah pojavljajo SiO2, Al2O3, MgO in CaO. Vsebnosti glavnih oksidov na obeh območjih odražajo mineralno sestavo kamnin in tal. Izmed vseh težkih kovin, ima na obeh lokacijah najvišje izmerjene vsebnosti Zn, najnižje As. Onesnaženost tal na območju Podkuma in Trbovelj smo določili na podlagi primerjave z mejnimi vrednostmi za suha tla in izračunanimi okoljskimi indeksi. Na območju Podkuma mejne vrednosti presega le Zn, in sicer v vzorcih tal, odvzetih na peščenjaku, na območju Trbovelj pa As in Zn. Glede na okoljske indekse so tla na območju Podkuma zmerno onesnažena s Zn, Pb in Cu. Na območju Trbovelj so tla zmerno onesnažena z Zn in Pb. Povišane vsebnosti Zn, Pb in Cu lahko izvirajo iz antropogenih dejavnosti. Ker odvzeti vzorci predstavljajo predvsem vrtna tla, lahko na območju Podkuma onesnaženje oziroma višje vsebnosti Zn pripišemo uporabi fosfatnih gnojil v kmetijstvu, Pb prometu, kjer se je uporabljal kot dodatek k gorivu, ter Cu uporabi v kmetijstvu za preprečevanje bolezni in hitrejšo rast rastlin. Na območju Trbovelj lahko višje vsebnosti Zn pripišemo avtomobilski industriji, kjer se uporablja za premaze jekla, in premogovniku, Pb pa prometu in žganju premoga v preteklosti.


onesnaženost;tla;težke kovine in polkovine;faktorji onesnaženja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [T. Sakaljšek]
UDC: 55
COBISS: 1530718 Link will open in a new window
Views: 653
Downloads: 189
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: heavy metals and metallois in various soil particle size fractions (Podkum and Trbovlje area)
Secondary abstract: Soil pollution with heavy metals and metalloids has become a great threat to arable land. Heavy metals and metalloids enter the plants through soil and further into the human food system. In the master's thesis we analyzed mineral and geochemical properties of rocks and soils in the Podkum area and soils in the Trbovlje area. Soils were analyzed in three different size fractions (< 0,063 mm; 0,125–0,315 mm; 0,315–2 mm). Rocks and soils in the Podkum area were sampled in two different parent rocks. The first is Gröden rock, quartz sandstone precisely, and the second is dolomite of Scythian series. The mineral composition of the soil samples in both areas is represented by: quartz, dolomite, calcite, muscovite/illite, chlorite, kaolinite and plagioclases. The differences are only in the content of individual minerals. Soil samples in the area of Trbovlje have the same mineral composition and were taken on rocks Soteške series. The main oxides that appear in the largest quantities on both locations are SiO2, Al2O3, Cao in MgO. The main oxide content in both areas coincides with the mineral composition of the rocks and the soil. Of all the heavy metals researched on both locations, the highest contents belong to Zn and the lowest to As. Soil pollution in the Podkum and Trbovlje area was determined based on the comparison with the limit values for dry soil and calculated environmental indices. In the Podkum area, only Zn exceeds the limit values in samples taken on the sanDstone, while in the Trbovlje region this is true for As and Zn. According to environmental indices, the soil in the Podkum region is moderately contaminated with Zn and Pb. In the area of Trbovlje, the soil is moderately contaminated with Zn and Pb. The increased contents of Zn, Pb and Cu may have the origin in antropogenic activities. Since the taken samples are primarily garden soil, in the Podkum area, pollution or higher Zn concentrations can be attributed to the use of phosphate fertilizers in agriculture, higher Pb concetration to traffic, where it was used as a fuel additive, and higher Cu concentrations to the use in agriculture, where it is used for disease prevention and faster plant growth. In the Trbovlje area, higher concentrations of Zn can be attributed to the automotive industry, where Zn is used for steel coatings, whereas higher concentrations of Pb can be attributed to traffic and coal burning in the past.
Secondary keywords: pollution;soil;heavy metals and metalloids;environmental indices;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Oddelek za geologijo
Pages: XVI, 55 str.
ID: 11238024