diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Nejc Rokavec (Author), Simon Vrhovec (Mentor)


Mobilna tehnologija napreduje danes iz dneva v dan, prav tako kot tudi zdravstvo. V povezavi teh dveh vej lahko pridemo do povezave mZdravja ali mobilnega zdravja, kjer s pomočjo mobilnih naprav ali aplikacij razvite za takšne namene dela, lajšajo delo ter omogočajo nove možnosti diagnosticiranja, zdravljenja in pomoči. Kot pri vseh novostih pa se je potrebno naučiti ravnati z njimi. Mladi, ki vsrkavajo znanje ter so v dobrem odnosu z novejšimi tehnologijami so odličen primer za vpeljavo. Tako smo naše diplomsko delo usmerili na uporabo in varnost mobilnih naprav pri študentih zdravstvenih ved. Cilj dela je bil pregled stanja obnašanja, uporabe, groženj, varnosti in sledenja politikam in pravilnikom pri delu v povezavi s študenti zdravstvenih ved pri nas. Tekom dela smo pripravili vprašalnik 10 segmentov ter 29 vprašanj oziroma trditev, s katerimi smo preverili stanje ter kasneje potrdili, ovrgli ali niti potrdili niti ovrgli 6 postavljenih hipotez. S pridobljenimi rezultati smo delno potrdili 2 hipotezi, zavrnili 1 hipotezo, 2 hipotezi pa nista imelo signifikantnih rezultatov, zato ju nismo niti potrdili niti ovrgli, 1 hipotezo pa smo delno potrdil in delno zavrnili. Realno stanje mobilnih naprav pri študentih morda ni takšno kakor je prikazano s pomočjo naše raziskave, je pa skozi našo raziskavo prikazan del stanja s katerega lahko predvidimo kje so potrebne nadgradnje in posebne pozornosti na primer pri grožnjah , obnašanju, delu z občutljivimi podatki, sledenju varnostnih politik … Kot že omenjeno pridobljena slika stanja ni idealna pa vendar vsebuje veliko svetlih točk. Poseben pozitiven poudarek je pri zaznavanju zaščite mobilne naprave, s čimer je povezano kar 5 od 6 postavljenih hipotez. Vsekakor pa je to dokaj mlada tema katera potrebuje še veliko poudarka na svoji pomembnosti, varnosti ter nadaljnjemu razvoju, kateri mora biti v veliki meri odvisen od stanja trendov na trgu ter uporabniških izkušenj in predlogov za nadgradnje. Poudarek je potreben tudi pri uvajanju takšnih novosti, s čimer ciljamo na to, da bi se uvajanje takšnih tehnologij začelo že v fazi pridobivanja znanja za delovno mesto (torej skozi izobraževanje). Namreč mladi so zelo vešči pri uporabi novejše tehnologije, prav tako pa so sposobni večjega vsrkavanja novega znanja. Vse našteto pa je tudi cilj tega diplomskega dela.


diplomske naloge;mobilne naprave;varnost;zdravstvo;študenti;uporaba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [N. Rokavec]
UDC: 004.056:629.331(043.2)
COBISS: 3775210 Link will open in a new window
Views: 616
Downloads: 120
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Usage and security of mobile devices among healthcare students
Secondary abstract: Mobile technology is progressing today from day to day, as well as healthcare. In connection with these two branches, we can reach the connection of mHealth or mobile health, where, through mobile devices or applications, which are developed for such work purposes, facilitate work, and provide new possibilities for diagnosis, treatment and assistance. As with all novelties, it is necessary to learn how to handle them. Young people who absorb knowledge and are in a good relationship with newer technologies are a great example for the introduction. Thus, our diploma work focused on the use and safety of mobile devices in students of the medical sciences. The aim of this work was to review the state of behavior, use, threats, security and the pursuit of policies and regulations in the work in relation to students of health sciences in Slovenia. In the course of our work, we prepared a questionnaire of 10 segments and 29 questions or statements with which we checked the situation and later confirmed, revoked, or not even confirmed or revoked 6 hypotheses. With the obtained results, we partially confirmed 2 hypotheses, rejected 1 hypotheses, 2 hypotheses did not have significant results, so we neither confirmed nor rejected them and 1 hypothesis was partially confirmed and partially rejected. The real state of mobile devices among student generation may not be the same as shown by our research, but our research shows the part of the situation from which we can predict where there is a need for upgrading and special attention, for example, in the case of threats, behavior, work with sensitive data, politics ... As already mentioned, the obtained picture of the situation is not ideal, but it contains a lot of bright spots. A particular positive emphasis is on detecting the protection of the mobile device, which connects as many as 5 out of 6 hypotheses. In any case, this is a fairly young topic which needs a lot of emphasis on its importance, security and further development, which must largely depend on the state of market trends and user experience and suggestions for upgrading. The emphasis is also needed in introducing such innovations, with the aim of introducing such technologies into the stage of acquiring knowledge for the workplace (through education). Young people are very skilled in the use of newer technology, and they are also capable of absorbing more and more of new knowledge. All this is also the goal of this diploma work.
Secondary keywords: mobile devices;safety;healthcare;students;useage;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VII, 37 str.
ID: 11240124
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, diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost