diplomska naloga
Ana Horjak (Author), Irma Veljič (Reviewer), Peter Umek (Mentor)


Namen naloge je proučiti psihoterapevtski vidik v fizioterapiji, prepoznati razloge nezadostne motiviranosti za vključevanje v fizioterapevtske aktivnosti in neupoštevanje pomembnosti fizioterapije med pacienti ter ugotoviti, na kakšen način izboljšati motivacijo pacientov. Uporabljeni sta metoda intervjuja v okviru študije primera in metoda lastnega opazovanja. Ugotavljamo, da so razlogi za nezadostno motiviranost za fizioterapijo med pacienti z multiplo sklerozo družinske obveznosti in natrpan način življenja, prav tako tudi fizioterapevt ni dovolj motiviran za doseganje sprememb pri intervjuvanih pacientih z multiplo sklerozo. Naloga je aplikativno uporabna za fizioterapevte, prispeva spoznanje, da fizioterapevt vzpostavi motivacijski odnos s pacienti z multiplo sklerozo in ponudi preventivne rešitve za preprečevanje funkcionalnosti upada, kar se je v naši raziskavi pokazalo kot potreba po izboljšavi dela fizioterapevta s pacienti z multiplo sklerozo z vidika doseganja učinkov motiviranosti za fizioterapijo. Uporabnost naloge se kaže za oblikovalce predpisov, da bi na podlagi spoznanj raziskave omogočili subvencioniranje fizioterapije s strani države in omogočili brezplačno dostopnost fizioterapevta na ravni lokalne skupnosti. Zaradi omejitve študije primerov na paciente z multiplo sklerozo na območju Domžal ugotovitev kvalitativne raziskave o motivacijskih in psihoterapevtskih vidikih ne moremo posplošiti na območje Republike Slovenije. Za to so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave.


motivacija;psihoterapija;multipla skleroza;fizioterapija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [A. Horjak]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 2048017267 Link will open in a new window
Views: 200
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motivational and psychoterapeutic views in physiotherpay
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the thesis is to study the psychotherapeutic view in physiotherapy, to find the reasons for insufficient motivation to involve oneself into physiotherapeutic activities and not embracing the importance of physiotherapy among patients, as well as in what way to encourage the motivation of patients. The method being used is case study interviews and the method of individual observation. We are finding out, that the reasons for insufficient motivation to practice physiotherapy with patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis are family obligations and a packed lifestyle, as well as the physiotherapist himself not being motivated enough to really make a change with interviewed patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. The thesis is applicably useful for physiotherapists. It contributes the conclusion, that the physiotherapist should establish a motivational relationship with patients who have multiple sclerosis and offers preventive solutions for the prevention of the functional decline, which, in our research, has shown as a needs for the improvement of the physiotherapist’s work with multiple sclerosis patients, from the view of benefit of motivation for physiotherapy.The usability of this work is for regulations makers, too, so that they would enable a country subvention for physiotherapy and enable free access to a physiotherapist on a local level, based on the conclusions of this research. Due to the limited number of case studies of patients with multiple sclerosis in the area of Domžale, we cannot generalise the findings of the qualitative research about the motivational and psychotherapeutic views, to the area of the Republic of Slovenia. Thus, further research is needed.
Secondary keywords: motivation;psychotherapy;multiple sclerosis;physiotherapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: 28 str., [3] str. pril.
ID: 11242394