diplomsko delo
Tajda Kožamelj (Author), Zdenka Šadl (Mentor)


Zdi se, kot da mladost in starost neprestano tekmujeta. Enega največjih dosežkov družbe 20. stoletja predstavlja podaljševanje življenjske dobe in s tem povezane spremembe v demografskem staranju prebivalstva. Mladi, ki danes živijo v svetu napredne tehnologije in medicine, doživljajo staranje in starost na drugačen način, kot so ga doživljali današnji stari ljudje, ko so bili v njihovih letih. Strah pred staranjem in diskriminacija starih ljudi sta povezana tudi s kulturo današnjih družb. Kljub vedno manjšim razlikam med kulturami, je še vedno moč zaznati drugačen pogled na staranje in starost s strani individualističnih ter kolektivističnih kultur. Pri slednjih je dojemanje starosti in starih ljudi pozitivno, v ospredju sta družina in skrb za družinske člane. Individualistične kulture poudarjajo posameznika kot individuum, kateremu navezanost na družino ni primarnega pomena, temveč mu to predstavlja skrb za samega sebe. Na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč, ki sem jih uporabila v pričujočem diplomskem delu in rezultatov, ki sem jih predstavila v empiričnem delu, sem ugotovila, da imajo pri odnosu do staranja in starosti pomembno vlogo ne samo kultura kot takšna, temveč še drugi dejavniki, kot so: vzgoja posameznika, družina, način življenja, družba, v kateri je posameznik odraščal, mediji, ki jih spremlja in ki vplivajo nanj itd..


gerontofobija;ageizem;Starost;Staranje;Mladina;Kultura;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [T. Kožamelj]
UDC: 316.346(043.2)
COBISS: 36426845 Link will open in a new window
Views: 921
Downloads: 1075
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Young people's attitude towards ageing and age between different cultures
Secondary abstract: It seems like youth and age are in constant competition. One of the greatest society achievements of 20th century is the extended life expectancy and changes in the demographic ageing of the population. Young people living in today’s world of advanced technology and medicine experience ageing process and old age in a different way than elderly themselves when they were younger. Fear of ageing and discrimination against the elderly people are connected to the culture of today's societies. Despite the growing differences between cultures, it is still possible to perceive a different view of ageing and age by individualistic and collectivist cultures. In the latter, perception of age and old people are positive. Family and care giving between family generations are in the foreground. Individualistic cultures believe in a person as an individual to whom attachment to the family is not perceived as a primary importance, but taking care for him / herself is. Combining theoretical grounds and the results presented in the empirical part of the thesis, I discovered that not only culture but also other factors are crucial for one’s perception of age and ageing. These factors can be: the way of raising, family, lifestyle, society in which individual grew up, the media which individual follows and have an influence on him or her etc..
Secondary keywords: Age;Aging;Youth;Culture;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 45 str.
ID: 11242415