(diplomsko delo)
Nuša Kokol (Author), Anton Koželj (Mentor)


Potapljaški incident bi lahko opisali kot nepričakovan ali neprijeten dogodek, ki prekine še tako dober potop. Kaj kmalu lahko preide v potapljaško nesrečo, ki se lahko za udeležence konča tudi s poškodbo ali celo s smrtjo. Pri potapljanju je človek v tujem okolju in je izpostavljen okoliščinam, katere v svojem okolju ne srečuje. Skupek posledic je lahko usoden za potapljača, zato je njegova varnost najpomembnejša. Za ustrezno oskrbo potrebujemo usposobljeno zdravstveno osebje, jasne postopke za ukrepanje v potapljaški nesreči in ustrezno opremo. Zelo pomembno vlogo pri zdravljenju ima hiperbarična komora. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti dekompresijsko bolezen kot enega najpogostejših zapletov pri potapljanju ter zdravljenje s hiperbarično oksigenoterapijo v hiperbarični komori. Pomembno vlogo pri sprejemu in spremljanju potapljača (pacienta) v centru za baromedicino ima tudi medicinska sestra. Za varno potapljanje v Sloveniji skrbi Slovenska potapljaška zveza (SPZ), na mednarodno pa deluje organizacija International Divers Alert Network – IDAN.


kesonska bolezen;hiperbarična komora;hiperbarična oksigenoterapija;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [N. Kokol]
UDC: 616-001.11(043.2)
COBISS: 2551972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1083
Downloads: 118
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Decompression illness in diving
Secondary abstract: A diving incident could be described as an unexpected or unpleasant event, which interrupts any dive, even a good one. The dive can result in a diving accident with its participants getting injured or it can even end tragically. When diving, a person is in a foreign environment and is exposed to circumstances that he does not encounter in his surroundings. The set of consequences can be fatal for the diver, therefore is his safety principal. Proper care requires skilled medical personnel, clear procedures for emergency response and appropriate equipment. The hyperbaric chamber plays a very important role in the treatment. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present decompression illness as one of the most common complications at diving and the treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the hyperbaric chamber. A nurse plays an important role in receiving and monitoring a diver – a patient at a baromedicine centre. Safe diving in Slovenia is provided by the Slovenian Diving Federation (SPZ) and in the internationally by the International Divers Alert Network – IDAN.
Secondary keywords: caisson disease;hyperbaric chamber;bronchiti+hyperbaric oxygen therapy;nurse;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 37 f., 11 f. pril.
ID: 11257203