diplomsko delo
Andreja Friškovec (Author), Arne Mavčič (Mentor)


Institut zastopnika pacientovih pravic je bil uveden z Zakonom o pacientovih pravicah (ZPacP), ki je začel veljati 26. 8. 2008. Gre za zakon, katerega besedilo je ministrstvo pripravljajo več let in je omogočil enakopravno, primerno, kakovostno in varno zdravstveno preskrbo pacientov. ZPacP zadeva tako paciente kot tudi izvajalce zdravstvenih storitev, zdravnike ter druge zdravstvene delavce in zdravstvene sodelavce. Leta 2017 je bila uvedena novela ZPacP-A, ki je uvedla pomembne spremembe tudi na področju zastopnika pacientovih pravic. Na njegovo oblikovanje je posredno vplival tudi varuh bolnikovih pravic. Tako je vlada do konca leta 2009 imenovala prvih dvanajst zastopnikov, ki se na podlagi zakonskega pooblastila lahko vključujejo v posamezne postopke in zastopajo posamezne paciente pri uveljavljanju domnevnih kršitev njihovih pravic iz 5. člena ZPacP na temelju pooblastitve s strani pacienta. Zavodi za zdravstveno varstvo jim zagotavljajo ekspertno in upravno-tehnično pomoč. Zastopnika določi predstavniški organ pokrajine na podlagi javnega poziva. Njegova mandatna doba je pet let, z možnostjo ponovnega imenovanja. Zastopnik je pristojen, da pacientu daje temeljne informacije, strokovno pomoč in natančne usmeritve tudi pri uveljavljanju pravic s področja zdravstvenega varstva, zdravstvenega zavarovanja in izvajanja zdravstvene dejavnosti. Poleg zastopnika pacientovih pravic na področju varovanja pacientovih pravic delujejo tudi varuh za človekove pravice, varuh bolnikovih pravic, zastopnik osebe na področju duševnega zdravja, mediator in v nekaterih državah članicah Evropske unije tudi ombudsman.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Friškovec]
UDC: 342.7:616-052(043.2)
COBISS: 2048010980 Link will open in a new window
Views: 14
Downloads: 2
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Patients' Rights advocate was introduced by the Patient's Rights Act (hereinafter the Act), which entered into force on 26 August 2008. The Act, which the Ministry had been preparing for several years, enabled equal, appropriate, high-quality and safe care for patients. The Act concerns the patients as well as providers of health services, medical doctors and other healthcare or allied professionals. In 2017, the Act was revised. Important changes were introduced in the field of patients' rights advocates. The predecessor of the patients' rights advocate, ombudsman for patients' rights, has indirectly influenced the establishment of the patients' rights representative. By the end of 2009, the Government appointed first 12 advocates, who, based on their legal authorization, can be involved in concrete procedures and represent individual patients when enforcing alleged violations of their rights from Article 5 of the Act, based on the patient's authorization. Local Health Insurance Institutes provide professional and administrative-technical assistance. Patients' rights advocates shall provide patients with basic information, offer professional assistance and propose specific directions in exercising rights in the field of the healthcare system, health insurance and the provision of healthcare services. Patients' rights advocates shall be appointed by the representative body of the region based on a public call for proposals. The term of a patient's rights advocate shall be five years and can be renewed. In addition to the patient's rights advocate, human rights ombudsman, ombudsman for patient's rights, mental health representative, mediator and in some European countries the as well ombudsman, are authorized to protect patients' rights.
Secondary keywords: Človekove pravice;Diplomske naloge;Pacienti;Varovanje;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: 82 str.
ID: 11268588