diplomsko delo
Nena Križman (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Status Andore, Liechtensteina, Monaka, San Marina in Vatikana, evropskih t.i. mini držav je bistvo obravnavane vsebine tega diplomskega dela. Ker se te države po svojem opisu razlikujejo od drugih držav, dobimo o njihovem statusu zapisanih kar nekaj različnih mnenj. Da po svoji velikosti spadajo med najmanjše države sveta, je edino skupno strinjanje, ki ga je mogoče na prvo oko zaslediti. S primerjalno metodo različnih definicij teoretikov lahko ugotovimo, da kljub nekaterim zanikanjem lahko te mini države tretiramo kot suverene in neodvisne države. Neko skupno stališče o nastanku države, kot osebe mednarodnega prava, je podala že Konvencija iz Montevidea, ki določa štiri pogoje, kateri morajo biti izpolnjeni, zato da lahko neko tvorbo imenujemo država. Te bi lahko razdelili na dva dela, kjer prvi del, ki je sestavljen iz prvih treh točk člena, ponazarja dejanski nastanek države in na drugi del, ki je sestavljen iz samo ene, četrte točke, ki poudarja zmožnost sklepanja odnosov med državami. Sposobnost sodelovanja pa podaja državi neko priznanje, da je enakopravna članica v mednarodnem svetu oz. da je pridobila statusu subjekta mednarodnega prava, kar pomeni da je sprejeta kot suverena in neodvisna članica mednarodne skupnosti. Mednarodno sodelovanje teh držav se kaže v članstvu različnih mednarodnih organizacij. V tem primeru je opisana OZN, v kateri imajo status držav članic vse državice, razen Vatikana, ki je s pomočjo Svetega sedeža pridobil status stalnega opazovalca. Po UL OZN imajo vse države status enakopravnih članic.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [N. Križman]
UDC: 341:061.1UN(4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2048013796 Link will open in a new window
Views: 14
Downloads: 1
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The content of this Thesis is about status of European so called micro-states like Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican. Because these countries differ in their description from other countries, we get quite different opinions on their status. That they are one of the smallest countries in the world is the only common agreement that can be seen firsthand. Using the comparative method of different definitions of theorists, we can conclude that, despite some denials, these mini-states can be treated as sovereign and independent states. A common position on the formation of a state as a person of international law has already been given by the Montevideo Convention, which sets out four conditions that must be fulfilled in order to be called a state. These could be divided into two parts, where the first part, which consists of the first three points of the article, illustrates the actual emergence of the state and the second part, which consists of only one, fourth point, which emphasizes the ability to conclude relations between states. The ability to cooperate, however, gives the country recognition that it is an equal member in the international world, or that it has acquired the status of subject of international law, which means that it is accepted as a sovereign and independent member of the international community. The international cooperation of these countries is reflected in the membership of various international organizations. In this case, we are describing the UN in which the status of Member States is granted to all states except the Vatican, which has obtained permanent observer status with the help of the Holy See. According to the UN charter all countries have the status of equal members.
Secondary keywords: Organizacija združenih narodov;Diplomske naloge;Mednarodno pravo;Andora;Liechtenstein;Monako;San Marino;Vatikan;
Type (COBISS): Final reflection paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 17. 10. 2019;
Pages: 54 str.
ID: 11268591
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