diplomsko delo
Ana Rezar Dečman (Author), Arne Mavčič (Mentor)


Zaradi razvoja družbe in velikih kršitev človekovih pravic se je v zgodovini povečala kompleksnost in hkrati standard varstva človekovih pravic, razvilo se je več sistemov na različnih ravneh, nacionalni, regionalni, globalni in več modelov ustavne ureditve. Za razumevanje varstva človekovih pravic Latinske Amerike je torej treba poznati nacionalne sisteme posameznih držav ter Medameriški sistem varstva, ki se je razvil na regionalni ravni. Namen diplomskega dela je spoznati sisteme ustavne ureditve v Latinski Ameriki ter Medameriški sistem varstva človekovih pravic. Kot cilj so bile zastavljene tri hipoteze in vse tri z uporabo analitične in primerjalne metode tudi potrjene. Države Latinske Amerike imajo različne nacionalne oziroma ustavne ureditve. Človekove pravice, vsebovane v ustavi, imenujemo tudi ustavne ali temeljne pravice, varuje jih ustava in v primeru kršitev predvideva ustavno varstvene zahtevke, ki so v določenih ustavnih sistemih samo na višjih instancah zaupani v ustavnosodno presojo organu odgovornemu za ustavnosodno presojo. V Latinski Ameriki se tako pojavlja difuzni, koncentrirani ter mešani model ustavnosodne presoje. Največkrat pa se kot oblika ustavnega varstva pojavi postopek oziroma zahtevek amparo poleg zahtevkov habeas corpus in habeas data. Temeljna organizacija Medameriškega sistema je OAD, ki na območju držav podpisnic njenih aktov s pomočjo Medameriške komisije in Medameriškega sodišča varuje človekove pravice, zapisane v aktih. V primerjavi regionalnih sistemov med Latinsko Ameriko in Evropsko unijo ima slednja višji standard varstva človekovih pravic, saj so na tem območju razviti kar trije sistemi, katerih naloga je varstvo človekovih pravic, hkrati pa je akte Sveta Evrope ratificiralo več držav v primeru Medameriškega sistema.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Rezar Dečman]
UDC: 342.7(8)(043.2)
COBISS: 2048006116 Link will open in a new window
Views: 89
Downloads: 14
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Due to the development of society and major human rights violations, the complexity and standard of human rights protection have increased and several systems at various levels, national, regional, global, and several models of constitutional regulation have evolved throughout history. In order to understand the protection of human rights in Latin America, it is therefore necessary to be familiar with the national systems of individual countries and the Inter-American system of human rights protection that has developed at the regional level. The purpose of this thesis is to get to know the systems of constitutional regulation in Latin America and the Inter-American system of human rights protection. Three hypotheses have been set as a goal and all three have been confirmed with the use of the analytical and comparative method. Latin American countries have different national or constitutional systems. Human rights enshrined in the Constitution are also referred to as constitutional or fundamental rights, protected by the Constitution, and in the case of violations it allows constitutional claims, which in certain constitutional systems are only at higher instances entrusted to be reviewed by the body responsible for constitutional review. Thus, in Latin America, the diffuse, concentrated and mixed models of constitutional review are being used. Most often, however, the constitutional protection or Amparo claims appear as a form of constitutional protection, in addition to the claims of Habas corpus and Habeas data. The basic organization of the Inter-American system is the OAS, which protects the human rights enshrined in the acts on the territory of the signatory states with the assistance of the Inter-American Commission and the Inter-American Court. Comparing the regional systems of Latin America and the European Union, the later has a higher standard of human rights protection, with three systems being developed in the area and at the same time more member countries ratifying several acts of the Council of Europe than member countries in the case of the Inter- American system.
Secondary keywords: Človekove pravice;Magistrske naloge;Ustavni sistemi;Latinska Amerika;
Type (COBISS): Final reflection paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 16. 9. 2019;
Pages: VI, 57 str.
ID: 11269735